Monday, September 2, 2024

The Catholic Hermit on Status of Quest in God Is Pure Love


Someone left a comment elsewhere, "Wonderful to see you always striving for goodness.  

I certainly always have tried; I was reared in this Christian ethos and morality.  I don't intend ever to think, feel, do or live otherwise.  I am for God, living All for God.  I responded to the commenter, and with neck in so much pain and despite about as good of sleep as I've had in a long time but still so fatigued, I rejoice in guidance of my new and current, helpfully journeying with me with Jesus in loving, wise, holy mentor, St. Fiacre (d. 670 age 70).  He's already teaching me and encouraging me in endurance of the present moment and what likely will continue until the end, which is not far off.  

Below is my response which explains more the current situation which is but a status of sickness, progressively increasing for some time in one particular.  This situation has not ultimately curtailed my quest in God Is Pure Love, but it has saddened it, for sure.  And the obsessive insecurities of the one has complicated and frustrated what of Godly goodness could be magnified, and what help even one such as myself who cares and loves very much, may have been able to bring to the person in particular and the one/s in that person's thrall, or in effect, to those of that inclination or ilk who could be tempted to the insecurity and thus shackles faith itself, and is the hindrance that an external locus of control breeds.

I need this encouragement and reminder to do this very thing, always. I know the reality of the situation, as have many others over the centuries and why they left for "the desert" in essence and actuality, to come to God, to seek God face-to-face, to "kiss the lips of God" as is said in such desires of humankind desiring God above all "things" including organizational structure that has gone far beyond what Jesus instituted and organized. And it in many facets is well and good; but in other facets it has appealed to not the better nature of humankind but rather to temptation of the lesser of us, of that which seeks to honor and elevate self, not God Is Pure Love.
Worse, this actively tries and often succeeds in destroying the message and progression of those who are striving to live the very rubrics that humankind has by majority vote of those who would be classified as "dockers."- These are persons who rely on laws but do not realize that the law of God suffices--His law of Love. A hermit, or religious solitary, or as in actuality are those who non-conform to and of all things but God- conforms to God Is Pure Love and strives to practice the conformity to God in both active and passive ways.

The one/s who conform to God is of a different modality innately than that of dockers. and dockers will eventually learn to "float" through, with, and in God Is Pure Love--but probably not until they have lived and died on this earth while bolstering themselves with rubrics and rituals and what they call canons, or church laws, because the finite and increasingly "organizing" temporal entities that help this typeset of humanity to feel secure, "grounded", more established and surrounded by those who also need the stability of concretism and temporal structures be they organizationally or individually derived or contrived.

These "structures", rubrics, rituals, human-created laws may seem helpful, but they require implementation, oversight, enforcement of corrections, and many revisions which tend not to occur because there is not the internal devices to ensure success within the structure for what has been created. Those in this system of thought and behavior tend to then misconstrue matters of faith with what is intellect and will that God gives us to maximize, at least, what might be beneficial or lead to success.

The non-dockers, or floaters, are thus either attacked, imprisoned, or in whatever equivalency of "killed" there is without literal martyrdom; their only recourse is to flee to the "desert" or "forest" seeking what St. Fiacre and others called "Holy Solitude." They yearned for and still do yearn for God above all things and to learn to love God Who Is Pure Love, and to become one in God Is Pure Love. One such type (floater, for need of descriptor labels) is then drawn off by docker/s who cannot grasp and who feel their devised and contrived means of security threatened. What's the conclusion of this maelstrom?

The floaters, the "Fiacre's" of mind, heart, and soul who are seeking God Is Pure Love above all else and thirst in this quest to live freely to practice and become one in God Is Pure Love, must flee from the entangling nets, the shackles, so enticingly created over the centuries. These are the temporal, and in many cases tangible, thoughts built into organizational structures and then laws to be as awnings of such structures. These "awnings" further dim the light that is otherwise too intense for those inside the structures to bear. This Light--if not for the many human-created laws and organizational structures--will or would otherwise expose and excoriate the flaws that come with reliance on temporally devised and contrived security measures that never do help those insecure with the non-concretized realities of God Is Pure Love. The floaters must continue not only floating, but to swim out into the deep and infinite expanse eternal of God Is Pure Love.
There it is, in a "nutshell."

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Catholic Hermit: Joyful Hermit Loves this Poet-Saint!


I am finding increasingly, that I so love St. Nerses Chnorhali, 12th C. Armenian patriarch, a mystic poet and holy saint!  Following is Part II of his "Jesus Only Begotten Son of the Father":

May my gifts please You

I was similar to the bad servant,

Who for the talents entrusted does not earn anything;

And even surpassing it,

Because I lost the gift of grace.

I did not duplicate your talent,

Neither quadruple nor increase by five,

So that I reign completely

The ten cities of the senses.

But I buried my only talent underground,

By packing it up in the veil of vices;

I did not put the money at the bank

So you might ask for interest....

To you, O Savior of my soul,

I want to cry for these words:

'Since it is still in my hands to do good,

Give me the grace to please you.

So I will hear the joyful sentence

Like the faithful servant:

Enter the Heavenly House,

In the joy of your Lord!

Catholic Hermit: Understanding and Loving, Moving On


Just want to clarify that there are added lies being stated of me online by a person who has persistently stalked, harassed, and doxxed me--and misrepresenting me online.   I very much wish the person well, have come to understand the person, and love the person in God's Love, despite the behaviors involved which are now understandable, given the situation.

For any readers coming to my site, just know that in addition to praying for the person, I have moved on from having anything to do with the person. It is a shame that the other cannot cease and desist, but I wish the person no ill will, and turn the person and the situation, over to God.

I will continue with blog writing, personal spiritual writing, or writing for publication, when and if I have the time.  For now am sharing verbally which has proven fruitful to others as well as in my own spiritual life, in various positive ways, but mostly due to that being the genre the Holy Spirit suggested.  The fruitfulness has merited my continuing this aspect of God's will for me per 1987 death experience and in part why He told me He was sending me back to my body.  Writing in addition to other genre, at this point, would take too much time from my spiritual life of prayer, penance, praise of God, and Scripture exegesis and application to daily life usually in practice of manual labor and whatever interface with others and situations that entails.

God bless His Real Presence in us!  Love in God Is Pure Love!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Catholic Hermit: Words of ven Madeleine Delbrel on Ruptures


Venerable Madeleine DelbrĂȘl (1904-1964)

missionary to the down-and-outs

Evangelical Communities of our Time

Necessary ruptures

The ruptures necessary for the church and to a Christian, the ruptures necessary with the world to save the world and the ruptures necessary for the church to function, must be discerned, but they are fundamental. I believe that it is important that we become aware of the ruptures which are necessary for discipleship and without which a Christian life is not even elementary Christian, of the ruptures which are requested from any Christian simply because he or she is a baptized. We cannot become the flesh and blood of the Church by baptism, to be the flesh and blood of his body, of the body of Christ, without there being between the world and us oppositions, which are ruptures. It is through these ruptures that we become able to participate in the redemption of Christ. "At the same time," said Paul VI, "that the Church becomes more fully aware of certain interior requirements, it is more strongly sollicited by the needs of the world for which it is intended. Likewise, it is because we are baptized, because we have received the Holy Spirit, because normally He must work in us, that He must train us in the walk of the Church. However, everything that moves, breaks with something. You could say that the elementary, essential freedom of the children of God, has rupture as a requirement. But a rupture is only Christian if it is motivated by union with Christ and participation in the work of Christ. We do not break to break. The whole body, the whole Church of Christ needs these fundamental ruptures. (…) These are ruptures that must make us free to belong only and definitively to Jesus Christ; ruptures that must give us the freedom to strive by grace to live fully charity according to the Gospel. These are ruptures that must give us the freedom to be available to His will at the heart of the Church.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Catholic Hermit: Blessed Solemnity of the Assumption


I so enjoyed this homily by St Amadeus of Lausanne (1108-1159), a Cistercian and then later, a bishop.

So when the Virgin of Virgins was led by her God and Son, the King of Kings, in the joy of the angels, the joy of the Archangels, among the acclamations of heaven, then was accomplished the prophecy of David saying to the Lord: “The queen stands on your right, in a gold clothing and various ornaments. "(Cf. PS 44,10) Then, according to the Word of Solomon," The young girls got up and proclaimed him blessed, and the queens in turn sang his praise "(cf. pr 31,28 Vulg ). (…) She could not stop praising, she who saw the Son of God, born of her, sit to the right of the Majesty of the Father and take it with him in glory. "You held," she said, "my right hand and you led me according to your will, and in glory you received me. »(Cf. PS 72,24) (…) raised in the midst of cheers of joy and praise, it is therefore placed, first after God, on a throne of glory, above all the inhabitants of heaven. (…) Then, lowering towards the human race with an unspeakable charity and turning towards us these merciful eyes which are the light of the sky, it brings up a universal prayer for the clergy and the people, men and women, alive and dead. From heaven, the Glorious Virgin helps us here below, and by her all-powerful prayer, she drives out all the evils and gives all the goods; For all those who pray to it from the bottom of the heart, it is their protection for present life and for future life. (…) Certainly, she will get what she wants, this beloved mother, she whose very chaste organs were the way where the verb of God came to the blood to wash the defilements of the world. Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God in all centuries of centuries. Amen

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Catholic Hermit: St. Benedict and Peace...

Venerable Pius XII

Pope from 1939 to 1958

Encyclical "Fulgens radiatur"», 21/03/1947 Paragragh 18-20

Saint Benedict established the peace of Christ in Europe

During a dark and turbulent age, when agriculture, honorable crafts, the study of the fine

arts profane and divine were little esteemed and shamefully neglected by nearly all, there arose

in Benedictine monasteries an almost countless multitude of farmers, craftsmen and learned

people who did their utmost to conserve the memorials of ancient learning and brought back

nations both old and new - often at war with each other - to peace, harmony and earnest work.

From renascent barbarism, from destruction and ruin they happily led them back to benign

influence human and Christian, to patient labor, to the light of truth, to a civilization renewed

in wisdom and charity.

Nor was that all. It is essential in the Benedictine way of life that while engaged in manual

or intellectual pursuits, all should strive continually to lift their hearts to Christ having that as

their chief concern, and to burn with perfect love of Him. For the things of the earth or of the

whole world cannot satisfy the mind of man which God created for Himself; rather their

function given them by their Creator is to move and lift us by gradual steps to the possession

of God. Therefore, it is most necessary "to prefer nothing to the love of Christ"; "to count

nothing more dear to them than Christ";[35] "let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ and

may He bring us to life everlasting". To this most ardent love of the Divine Redeemer there should correspond love of the

neighbor. We ought to cherish all as our brethren and help them in every way. Hence while

people plan and foment hate and treachery against each other, while robbery, slaughter and

innumerable hardships and miseries are increasing in this violent upheaval of nations and

institutions, Benedict proclaims these most holy precepts to his followers: "Let special care be

taken in receiving the poor and travelers, because in them Christ is more surely received".

"Let all guests who come to the monastery be entertained like Christ Himself, because He will

say, 'I was a stranger and you took me in'." "Before all things and above all things, special care

must be taken of the sick, so that they be served in very deed as Christ Himself for He saith

'I was sick and you visited Me'."


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Catholic Consecrated Hermit, Christian, Mystic, and Victim Soul: Update


I've not been writing much at all on this site for a year or more.  It's been a very difficult year with health trials following a total knee replacement a year ago June 20--a surgery that failed.  My left knee is constantly in pain, is large, hardened from fibrotic tissue that grew erratically beginning actually during the surgery. 

Now I continue the oil and wraps and heat packs, the PT, for the knee is always going to be a sad and sorry state of added suffering that should never have occurred but for the only explanation I located that was not due to the surgeon or his PA mucking up--was that possibly the Arachnoiditis caused oxidative stress on the cells during surgery, which I read can the oxidative stress can cause the collagen cells to grow erratically and rapidly thus the thick layer of impervious collagen tissue--and a painfully stiff, hardened knee that causes permanent disability in walking, bending the knee and coping with enough pain of its own that would need pain med.  

Aside from the failed knee replacement, I'd been so fatigued that the month prior (May), I'd gone to an internal med doctor who did blood tests and found my thyroid had gone kaput.  I was put on medication that replicates what the thyroid used to produce, and began to feel a little better but not at all back to normal (factoring in the Arachnoiditis pain and being 72).  

What was going on behind the scenes of my thyroid and knee replacement was not found until the following November. However, I kept alerting the internal med doctor, a young man whose only interest was in getting transferred to lead an Alzheimer's clinic, that my blood tests showed other alarming results.  He poo-poo'd my concerns and what the blood tests were alerting him, but that is how it can be in the life of one cursed, oppressed by the devil, and a victim soul.

By late summer and fall I was failing--knew it myself but thought the Arachnoidiits was progressing and that this was how it was to be--a bodily decline and increasing fatigued and knew something had to be not right--as bad as the blood tests seemed in at least three of the areas of blood issues.  By mid-November I had a particularly terrible week.  Prior had lots of intestinal troubles but tests okay for colon.  Ended up hospitalized after other trips to ER for intestinal issues.  Kidneys had gone into failure.  Was having allergic reaction since the previous May or before--the indications were in the blood tests that the internal med dr. ignored or was ignorant as they are for when someone is have an extreme reaction.  

Off Meloxicam for rest of life after being on it for 37 years.  But, thankfully the kidneys turned around from kidney diet and no more of that med which pain patients are given despite that very side effect plus liver issues.  Lost health and declined, though. Damage but the filtration rate is up again.  Then still not well and blood tests had still the other bad indictors, so had bone marrow biopsy.  Looked like a blood cancer but was a similar reading but is a precursor so will be rechecked periodically. Also found I have a bad anemia condition that my body does not absorb or store iron. So that's a problem; I take iron supplements. Fatigued, terribly. 

Mostly in bed as a result of pain and fatigue, and the pain doctor replaced extended release meds with non-extended so am veritably a pain yo-yo now--with meds taking awhile to help, then wane after three hours of marginal help; if I forget to now-seeming short time span which happens when doing mental distractions as pain management, the pain can get out of control and take even longer to get pain contained.  Just how it goes--this Christian Catholic Mystic Hermit's life as a Victim Soul of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!  Love to suffer, and suffer to love--words spoken to me from a mystical experience 20 years ago this end of July--has me renewing my quest to fully understand and cooperate with the beautiful, spiritual meaning of what St. Michael pronounced to me, Christ's "victim of love and suffering".  

God bless His Real Presence in us!