Friday, August 16, 2024

Catholic Hermit: Blessed Solemnity of the Assumption


I so enjoyed this homily by St Amadeus of Lausanne (1108-1159), a Cistercian and then later, a bishop.

So when the Virgin of Virgins was led by her God and Son, the King of Kings, in the joy of the angels, the joy of the Archangels, among the acclamations of heaven, then was accomplished the prophecy of David saying to the Lord: “The queen stands on your right, in a gold clothing and various ornaments. "(Cf. PS 44,10) Then, according to the Word of Solomon," The young girls got up and proclaimed him blessed, and the queens in turn sang his praise "(cf. pr 31,28 Vulg ). (…) She could not stop praising, she who saw the Son of God, born of her, sit to the right of the Majesty of the Father and take it with him in glory. "You held," she said, "my right hand and you led me according to your will, and in glory you received me. »(Cf. PS 72,24) (…) raised in the midst of cheers of joy and praise, it is therefore placed, first after God, on a throne of glory, above all the inhabitants of heaven. (…) Then, lowering towards the human race with an unspeakable charity and turning towards us these merciful eyes which are the light of the sky, it brings up a universal prayer for the clergy and the people, men and women, alive and dead. From heaven, the Glorious Virgin helps us here below, and by her all-powerful prayer, she drives out all the evils and gives all the goods; For all those who pray to it from the bottom of the heart, it is their protection for present life and for future life. (…) Certainly, she will get what she wants, this beloved mother, she whose very chaste organs were the way where the verb of God came to the blood to wash the defilements of the world. Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God in all centuries of centuries. Amen

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