Friday, October 17, 2014

Elizabeth of the Trinity's Pivotal Scripture Verse

Today's first Scripture Reading at Mass is the verse by St. Paul in which Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity found her soul-changing momentum:  the praise of His glory.  Live for the praise of His glory.  The pledge of our inheritance of redemption as God's people, to the praise of His glory.

There is a climbing rose that was planted in previous hermitage, named by the cultivar company as Blaze of Glory, but renamed by this hermit as "Praise of Glory."  Would love to plant one here at this hermitage but did not locate the climbing rose on sale nor of the scented variety.  Maybe next year, but what difference as long as the mind, heart, and soul grasp the essence and truth that we should live for the praise of God's glory and that we maintain our pledge as God's redeemed children--pledged to the praise of His glory.

Just ponder and imagine what it would be to have a life-altering verse in the Living Word of God:  His Real Presence!  In what ways would this change our souls and all perspective, touching our temporal beings and moving us into the spiritual espousal, the union with God? 

[Of any Sacrament of the Living Word for this nothing Catholic hermit, "Remain in My Love" has been pivotal.  Yet still, the will within must grow in the grace given, the truth of Truth of His Real Presence having His abode deep in the soul.  So easy to remain in His Love; He gives all the assistance necessary; but how the will slips, mostly from the distractions of the outer world and human weakness.]

 Ephesians 1:11-14 


In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will, so that we, who were the first to set our hope on Christ, might live for the praise of his glory. In him you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge of our inheritance towards redemption as God’s own people, to the praise of his glory


Now, must rise from the warmth of bed with many blankets cocooning, and locate some steel wool, and try to stop any visible holes and crevices by which rats are entering this hermitage--to the praise of His glory! 

Despite 7 rat bait stations on the perimeter and two by pole barn, they have been entering and leaving their feces.  Yesterday thought had the obvious opening shut off.  Swept the mess.  This morning they had come in yet again, leaving rat droppings.  This hermit must persevere and not be discouraged:  Be a praise of His glory no matter the effort!

May the attempts to rid them and keep them out be prayers for the riddance of major plagues, such as the current Ebola virus outbreak in West African countries and now in this country.

God bless His Real Presence in us!  Little children, let us love one another!  Let us be a praise of and to His glory:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! 

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