Wednesday, October 15, 2014

If Led by the Spirit, not Subject to the Law

This nothing Catholic hermit has pondered the Sacrament of the Living Word off and on today, directly, and has sipped deeply of the impart of meaning in this hermit-soul's time on earth and current situation:  Order of the Present Moment.

There was hope of getting much manual labor accomplished.  A list could be written on paper, but it is written in the mind with viewing all about, just in the small kitchen area, with tasks to be completed.  Even in the few bolts screwed into cabinets for additional stability and some tile samples placed about for eventual decision, the actual physical work accomplished went more the way of the Spirit, being led by what the body could manage on a day of greater pain and not quite sure what task to begin first of so many.  

Yet in tasks of manual labor, one is not subject to a set list, or in essence the law of lists or what must be first, second, or third, or by whose demanding this or that to be handily accomplished.  Rather, this hermit-soul pondered the Spirit as His Real Presence Spirit, and wafted with the Spirit while accomplishing a few spontaneous efforts.  

What matters more, today, in this moment of many moments, has been to consider deeply and practically, what exactly His Real Presence intends for souls--and for this soul right here, now:  to actually live by the Spirit and be guided by the Spirit.

Gal 5:18-25 


But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the law. 

Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these. 

I am warning you, as I warned you before: those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 

If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. 

The Spirit moved this soul, today, finally toward evening after emptying the chamber pot in a latrine hole, and walking about nibbling a few remnant cherry tomatoes yet on the vine and some late strawberries not fully ripe yet refreshing in mid-autumn.  Yes, the Spirit moved this soul to re-read and write out some statements made by a mystic soul-friend of over six centuries past.

These thoughts and counsels of the lovely soul-friend (you would recognize the name!) whose will in temporal life was honed strong and true by His Real Presence, and who suffered greatly for being different, learned to adhere to living by the Spirit and being guided by the Spirit of His Real Presence.  

The following words from the sanctified soul who hovers near (as do any and all of whom we call upon in time of need and edification), are words that His Real Presence is pleased for this hermit here to write and share, now, in this moment as the sun fades from view and the chill casts its dusky web over this hermitage and the soul of this hermit resting within.

"The servant should not walk in another path than his master, and the path of pleasure is not the path of Christ the Crucified.  We should rejoice in nothing but in bearing reproaches and sufferings.  

"Crucify thyself with Christ of the Cross, conform thyself to Him, rejoice in reproaches, sufferings, contempt, mockery and evil words, persevere to the end and do not fortify thyself with anything but the blood flowing down from the Cross.  

"When suffering comes, do not shrink from it, but accept it with a joyful face, go out to meet it with joy and desire and say:   Be very welcome!  Then bitterness will become sweet and consoling and thou shalt end thy life, resting softly on the Cross with Christ the Crucified.  

"Like the child feeding at its mother's breast, so feeds the soul that loves God, on Christ, the Crucified, and walks always in His steps, following Him on the path of reproaches and suffering and mockery, and not rejoicing in aught else--the soul clings closely to the most sacred wood of the Cross and looks up with a countenance of holy desire, and beholds that burning, consuming Love, whose blood streams from all its wounds.  

"Such a soul is patient in all tribulations, for of its own free will it has renounced all consolation of the world, and pain and affliction and persecution have become its good friends.  For it has seen that thus was the Son of God clothed, and without doubt He chose the fairest raiment that could be found.  

"Put on, therefore, put on Christ, sweet Jesus.  He is a garment so strong that no devil and no man can take it from you, when you will it not yourselves.  He is the highest and eternal sweetness, which melts away all bitterness. 

"In Him the soul is fed and strengthened, so that it counts all that is outside God as but refuse, and it rejoices in persecutions and reproaches and calumnies, and desires naught but to be conformed to Christ the Crucified."

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