Friday, October 3, 2014

On Being Subsumed into Christ

Found this old email which had sent to the late Bishop, when he was spiritual director.  Was attempting to explain some insights about the temporal and the mystical aspects, and that of the two "worlds" of the Church and more so, of our very existence as souls in tangible bodies and our experience, or hoped-for experience, of being subsumed into His Real Presence.

Looking back, it is more apparent now why the bishop would put his hands to his head and exclaim, "Too much!  Too much for me to grasp!"  He meant well but was steeped in the temporal Catholic world [which someone recently and aptly termed also, the "secular Church"] by all the responsibilities in and to that world of administering a diocese and many employees.  

In his retirement (which ended up being quite brief as God plucked him out rapidly), he was not so much interested in the mystical realities; he was tired and wanted to be loved and to love, particularly the young people he enjoyed being with at high school football games.  It was sweet, that, but the spiritual direction was rather at a point of disconnect.  Yes, it was a disconnect.

The letter below was an attempt in trying yet again to explain to him some insights received during the mystical experiences in Mass and how they manifest in our spiritual-temporal existences.  I'm sure he understands better, now, on the other side.

"I am living the temporal humanity of Christ. I bear His temporal pain and breathe His soul's suffering. But only when the human is subsumed in His mystical Divinity is there one Joy, one Love, the one Reality: God.

"Only then do the two worlds [temporal and mystical] become one reality, the Divine Reality.
The temporal is a shadow of the full humanity of Christ, without union in the mystical reality of His Divinity.

"The temporal Catholic world is a holding cell.  Humans must pass through the mystic portal in order to come to full humanity of Christ in His Divinity, to then be one in the One in one true reality.

"I hope I am stating it meaningfully, accurately; words are incompetent.

"It is something like this, and I must get through the mystic portal with His physical and soul suffering, in order to be in the true reality, the one reality of oneness in God.

"Do you see that the Sacraments, all of them, but most frequently Eucharist in Mass and reconciliation in confession, are parts of the portal and are passage points for the temporal to enter into the mystical, and that without the One in reality of the mystical in these sacraments, there would be nothing? 

"Jesus in His full humanity is the Divine ever-flowing into within the temporal.  He is not the temporal occasionally touching the mystical.  When we pain-bearing, soul-suffering humans pass through the mystic portal to be subsumed in His Divinity, we awash the temporal in and by His living waters.  We then may fully live His humanity divine as we have become one with the One Reality."

Always concluded emails to him and others with these verses; such beautifully expressed truths: 

"My soul doth magnify the Lord.  And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour."--Luke 1:46-47 
"Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me, and Holy is His Name." --Luke 1:49

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