Saturday, October 8, 2022

Christian Cathoilc Mystic Hermit: Living the Hermit Vocation Authentically in His Real Presence

 Just want to check in and say all is going well with this consecrated Catholic hermit--Christian foremost, Catholic and mystic living the hermit vocation as set forth by His Real Presence and in the ancient, traditional, hermit Christian tradition of centuries of men and women hermits in the Church.  I include in my inspirations of the Christian Catholic hermit vocation the prophet hermits and, of course, John the Baptist, and the hermits following of both Eastern and Western hermit traditions following the Great Schism circa 11th c.

However, my main point is that of living a life devoted to His Real Presence:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  To have and hold the faith within of being in His Real Presence and His Real Presence being within us, all the time and in all places and dimensions of space and time known and unknown to the human being.   To live and love in His Living Word as the on-going challenge, and to follow Christ in today's world, temporally and mystically, and doing so until we are called out of this life and into eternal life, with our no longer being personages on this earth.  

The implications of such a life as a hermit in today's society and in today's Church bring with it challenges to adapt logically, spiritually, practicably, and humanly with enduring mercy, faith...and very much so, living in and with God's Law of Love.

I no longer think about the hermit vocation as such, and not as anything set forth recently in hierarchical or temporal organizational terms.  I do not engage in other than the living of His Living Word and pondering the wonders therein, as far as anything temporal or tactical in what some may find worthwhile conversation of "hermit vocation".  The Lord has brought me beyond the ensnaring nets of the temporal in those controversies, and I realize the space of mind and thought wasted in the past, with so much benefit in grasping the holy ones who lived lives as religious solitaries yet among their fellow humans, but with a God alone reality that transcends the muck of temporal degradation of mind, heart, and soul.  All for God, omnia pro Deo, allows me to listen and obey as best a human can and may, the calling and teaching of His Real Presence, to allow oneself in faith to obey and be directed by God Himself, is the challenge and beauty of my life of increasing suffering.

Understanding with greater awareness that my sufferings and the sufferings of Holy Mother Church are made one and were made one years ago and forever in my life on earth, has brought meaning and love in the sufferings, despite the sufferings diminishing and demeaning my mortal body and ego.  This diminishment and demeaning of my body and my very "self" in temporal existence has been beautiful and positive; I know God has me in His Real Presence fully and forevermore.

What is difficult is in the faith required, but then to grasp that all the faith necessary is given by the Holy Trinity, His Real Presence.

So awaken, rise physically or only mentally and always spiritually each morning, and live out each day in His Real Presence, enjoying the pups Mercy and Love, enjoying whatever my body and mind and emotions are able to enjoy, and let the soul grow in whatever ways His Real Presence desires!  Today I pray to plant a tree or transplant some Echinacea flower starts to create a row of blooms along the driveway of Solus Deus Hermitage.  Or, to shovel sand off the truck bed and into some trash containers for use when my helper Sean returns on Monday to help dig out and level the small courtyard area outside the hermitage entrance.  

Whatever today of physical efforts, I know that His Real Presence is forming my mind, heart, and spirit in His likeness and image.  Only "myself" when the pain becomes too temporal, gets in the way of all the graces that His Real Presence is constantly bequeathing upon me.  

Thus, perhaps, my dear readers, you can understand why the temporal, hierarchical, humankind laws and applications created have little to do with the progression occurring within and without this body, mind, heart, and soul who is existing as a child of His Real Presence, a consecrated hermit in His Holy Church Eternal, more mystical than temporal, and more so "of the ages."  God has me directly now because I finally accept His will in this regard, and let go, simply let go of other.  Simply keep going in faith, in love, following His Real Presence where I know not, but He does.

Love in His Love, and God bless His Real Presence in us!

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