Thursday, March 12, 2020

Catholic Hermit: Holy Words to Help Us Through Coronavirus

St. Theodore the Studite (monk at Constantinople, 759-826, has written words that build faith and confidence in Christ, in his Catecheses that he wrote for benefit of the many monks in his monastery and others.  His words are worth sharing without comment otherwise, as they can focus us through the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, now a pandemic.

"Your task is an angelic one.  If we have to endure a few trials, if we have to mortify ourselves a little, let us be patient for a short time longer.  Here already is the goal and term of our lives:  we shall be carried away by the holy angels and will be a in joy for eternity, co-heirs with all the saints of all the good things promised us (cf. Heb 11:9)....

"That is why from now on we patiently accept whatever happens to us; for we will receive eternal happiness in exchange in the same way as misfortune will recompense those who do evil.  May heave preserve us from the suffering of hearing:  'You received what was good during your lifetime...but now this man is comforted' and 'between us and you a great chasm is established' (Lk 16:25, 26).  Isn't it a terrible thing to hear and imagine these divine sentences, separating the sinner from the just?  The distance, the abyss, the loss and the fall of those who are in sin distances them from the Lord our God as the heavens are higher than the earth (cf. Is 55:9).

"But those who, like yourselves, ardently desire every day to be his friends and true servants will enter with him into the celestial dwellings, into the Jerusalem on high (cf. Gal 4:26), the great city, filled with unimaginable marvels, to which a glory without end and an eternal power are joined.  There we will see each other and know ourselves perfectly.  And I believe that, if we fulfill the will of God, we shall all be together in eternal joy....

"May you also conduct yourselves in an angelic manner, clinging to the arm of God that fortitues you, to the encouragement of the Holy Spirit who strengthens you, to the holy angels, to all the martyrs and saints blessed by God who come to your aid."   

These are ideal and holy words which are reflection of Scripture--the Living Word of God--for helping one and all of us to adopt in mind, heart, and soul to focus and uplift us through the coming days and weeks and perhaps some months.  We are all in this together!  Pray healing, sensibility, wisdom, and deeper conversions to God for everyone throughout the whole world.

God bless His Real Presence!

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