Thursday, March 12, 2020

Catholic Hermit: COVID-19 Trial, and Thoughts from St. Theodore

The news of the world is that of COVID-19, or coronavirus.  I've had my own dismay with the unexpected actions of some in medical response even to my own virus or whatever it is.  Head jammed, but intermittent body chills and low fever, and bad cough last week but much improved.  

However, I had incompetence with a nurse practitioner who ended up sending two antibiotic prescriptions to pharmacy, one of which I've mentioned previously I cannot take as causes immediate vomiting.  (Is a more common side effect of that particularly med of which I'd said, but the NP sent that particular med along with the one she told me prescribing.  Pharmacist caught it; one is not to have two antibiotics at once without specialist determining such a need.)  The antibiotic that I'd never had prior, I did purchase, but yesterday morning was so ill upon waking--ill in odd ways including bad nausea--that I instinctively knew (my Angel Beth!) not to take the morning dose or I'd not make it to the DO appointment (Doctor of Osteopathy, in group of MD's).  

But the DO only saw in the notes he was sent via internet, the antibiotic that I cannot take being prescribed, although I said both had been and gave him the name of the one I did purchase.  (And it was in the report, on first page, that I received from the Nurse Practitioner, but the other was not.  I admit the DO's doubting my explanation and the pharmacist's having two antibiotic scripts from the NP, and trusting the NP, was rather stunning.) Regardless, the DO said the antibiotic that I did have even if he was quite confused that I did not take the one that I cannot keep down--that the antibiotic I took two doses was not at all what he'd prescribe for sinus infection.

As I had with the NP the day prior, I gave my other symptoms:  off and on chills and low fever, bad cough last week and very ill then, still have the chills and low fever now and then and still cough, lungs hurt in bronchial area. Mentioned having been on plane and across aisle from travelers having been in Asia, and became ill a few days after that, with plane back what erupted the sinus issues.  I mention these details as I have both appointments  noted the dismissive or minimizing attitudes of the NP and then the DO.  My lungs sounded clear, so not pneumonia, which I knew.  But I considered that we hear now of movie stars Tom Hanks and his wife, with far lesser symptoms than mine.

So I feel we are in trouble when NP's, PA's, and DO's, plus MD's are the ones determining who gets tested, for their own notions of what they think is of concern obviously varies greatly. No doubt many people are slipping through; I do agree at least for now people freaking out with no symptoms do not need testing.  But I fit all the symptoms despite also having sinuses stuffed, and am old, to boot!  If the antibiotic that he did prescribe does not help (of which has not worked for me in more distant past, I will go to the nearby ER (emergency room) which is not typically busy and has some MD's available.  

Someone just called to see how I was progressing, and thought surely I would have been tested for COVID-19 having been ill for 12 days or so, with symptoms up and down.  We laughed the laugh of stunned awe at how oddly ludicrous I was not tested.  But we agreed I'd go to ER if this does not improve or definitely if worsens.  My major concern is for people out there going to medical professionals with symptoms, and the varying determining factors for a test dependent upon the individual persons, some quite young and little experience, some with personalities that want to low-key matters, and maybe some who might be too cautious--although in this pandemic it seems to err on side of caution than not.

Needless to say, I will once again, when have a bit more energy, call around to try to find an MD or Internist who might be taking new patients.  The DO is too far for my "back" to be driving.  Yesterday it was all I could do to shakily get into hermitage and back in bed after DO and yet another trip to Walmart for the Augmentin. 

(And there, the older of the pharmacists remembered the ridiculous situation from the NP the day before, and agreed that when we become older, young medical personnel tend to think we no longer have our wits about us.  They tend to resent if we are familiar with fairly well-known antibiotics or are able to say what has worked or not worked.  I do know now not to ever try Clarithromycin; awful side effects including nausea to point of vomiting after two doses; pharmacist said she cannot take it--horrible side effects.)

I'm not concerned other than want to get better, of course.  I've read that if COVID-19, one is sick usually at least two weeks and can be up to 4-6 weeks for those with more serious cases.  My lungs still hurt--yes, even if they sound "clear" and I'm not coughing nearly as much.  I have it now to what I consider sinus drainage cough in upper chest, but sometimes yet it is a dry, hacking cough.  However, again, I find alarming my two experiences with symptoms and going to Urgent Care and doctor's office, even if the decision-makers being a nurse practitioner and a DO.

I will be best remaining in as I have been in for 12 days and prior to that was also inside even if not in my hermitage.  When I went on visit, I was out only short jaunts in three of 10 days.  One for watching a swim meet for three hours, and another to ride along to drop off youngsters for their soccer practice, then to a book store for the children to choose books, and later to dine out.  Not focusing on the hermit part of me which is immense, but even due to pain situation, I'm a very simple guest!  God provides!  It is no problem for me to be more hidden on a rare visit to family than in my return with these medical appointments and pharmacy trips!

The upshot of this blog post is to give one person's--a hermit's--experiences with illness and potentially, seemingly, having a form of COVID-19 but may never know for sure, and how the Lord guides in global pandemic with all the ramifications and outcomes that have people panicking or at minimum, uncertain, worried, and confused.

St. Theodore the Studite (monk at Constantinople, 759-826, has written words that build faith and confidence in Christ, in his Catecheses that he wrote for benefit of the many monks in his monastery and others.  (His life history is fascinating.  Can read about him online by Googling his name.  His writings and developing of largest library and scriptoriums in Byzantium is one of his major contributions among others.)

"Your task is an angelic one.  If we have to endure a few trials, if we have to mortify ourselves a little, let us be patient for a short time longer.  Here already is the goal and term of our lives:  we shall be carried away by the holy angels and will be a in joy for eternity, co-heirs with all the saints of all the good things promised us (cf. Heb 11:9)....

"That is why from now on we patiently accept whatever happens to us; for we will receive eternal happiness in exchange in the same way as misfortune will recompense those who do evil.  May heave preserve us from the suffering of hearing:  'You received what was good during your lifetime...but now this man is comforted' and 'between us and you a great chasm is established' (Lk 16:25, 26).  Isn't it a terrible thing to hear and imagine these divine sentences, separating the sinner from the just?  The distance, the abyss, the loss and the fall of those who are in sin distances them from the Lord our God as the heavens are higher than the earth (cf. Is 55:9).

"But those who, like yourselves, ardently desire every day to be his friends and true servants will enter with him into the celestial dwellings, into the Jerusalem on high (cf. Gal 4:26), the great city, filled with unimaginable marvels, to which a glory without end and an eternal power are joined.  There we will see each other and know ourselves perfectly.  And I believe that, if we fulfill the will of God, we shall all be together in eternal joy....

"May you also conduct yourselves in an angelic manner, clinging to the arm of God that fortitues you, to the encouragement of the Holy Spirit who strengthens you, to the holy angels, to all the martyrs and saints blessed by God who come to your aid."   

These are ideal and holy words which are reflection of Scripture--the Living Word of God--for helping one and all of us to adopt in mind, heart, and soul to focus and uplift us through the coming days and weeks and perhaps some months.  We are all in this together!

God bless His Real Presence!

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