Note: The canonical hermit who has done much to perpetuate various precedents created by said person, has written a lengthy and seemingly sound refutation of my comments and questions below. What this person writes in disagreeing what I have set forth, and now has added on years that have grown exponentially to what was this person's previous length of time as a hermit, is not scripturally based nor accurate other than is from the person's legalistic view of the Body of Christ and Christ as Head, of which Jesus decried such aspects that the high priests, scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees of His time on earth had so created a contorted legalistic form of religion and spiritual life in the Jewish faith and lived out in the temples as well as were imposed on the Jewish people. This manner of humankind creating what they wish and adding on to what humankind creates in legalisms yet in our times or in recent times, is what most hermits such as St. Bruno, gave pause and ponder, and thus left the temporal world including ithe temporal system and structure, and left for the farthest reaches of the Alps in which to draw nigh on to Christ and to worship and pray, to be Christian in the freedom of silence of solitude, praise of God, and intimacy with Christ that yet lifted up and strengthened the entire Body of Christ. Bruno had lived enough of the very aspects of this person who persists in making up what is not in many aspects in fact. I have provided the person with more platform than is warranted or healthy for the misinformation that comes forth, so will leave off the topic of which I do believe, however, that there will be increasing "hermits" of the canon law provision, simply due to the public promotion and position, prestige of sorts, and aspect of thinking "legal" and "approved" is preferred to following in the footsteps, heart, mind, and spirit of Christ's teachings and life as He exemplified on earth and as it is in His Real Presence here and in Heaven.
God's blessings:
I've been wondering how you are, if you are holding up by the power of God to the physical challenges you were having at one time or perhaps yet are, causing you to move to another location now some time ago for personal and needful reasons. I'm a Catholic hermit, consecrated but of the traditional, historic mode, privately professed as had been customary for centuries, as also some of the prophets lived--John the Baptist, as well. I've always appreciated and been refreshed by your writing about how to become a hermit (religious type). You write reasonably and openly, with wisdom and intelligence. I've found the trend to instead by going toward more structural, temporalized hermit vocation in the Catholic church vis a vis the CL603 diocese hermit platform. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your just and modest expression of the vocation, thoughtful and set forth with reason and respect for all those who share the Catholic faith and also have been called by God to the hermit vocation.
I have been, since vows professed nearly 23 years ago in private ceremony, and remain anonymous including hidden as far as blending in dependent upon environment in which I live or go out for errands. No prefix nor suffix to my name by choice of the same hiddenness and never felt need to stand out or be distinguished as with the low income and disabled with pain, facing increasing suffering so less manual labor. I may be facing losing the financial base I was utilizing--that of a modest inheritance invested in a house to renovate and eventually, hopefully selling for a profit to help pay for (likely) end of life health care needed. I may not be able to complete the renovation, but will see what God has in Mind this coming year--if I recover enough from the latest major surgery.
I've never quite fathomed why bishops and/or those who wanted to be known as hermits, or given diocese hermit, bishop approval--was the canon law developed, and by what concern to do so. Or did some hermits approach, even one or two, desiring the Church to create such a church law, because they wanted a place within the other designations of religious orders and clergy, virgins and widows? Or were bishops concerned that the few hermits that ever exist, relative to Catholic lay members, were going to somehow have unmitigated and unapproved power, or were promoting themselves for monetary or theological gain?
I thought perhaps you may know why they finalized the canon law (603) in 1983 to create a "diocese hermit" of which the bishop approves, and the vows are made publicly, of which now it seems precedents followed to include a public Mass, reception, publication announcement in diocese and other media, and sometimes hermit utilized in parish life and employment therein, or as hospital chaplains, paid spiritual directors or counselors, parish administrators or diocese employment. However, typically hermits always have been and some few remain, solitary and more strictly separated from the world; seekers of God alone and the spiritual life, existing to praise and pray and do penance, to live in silence of solitude and be hidden from the mainstream of the world. And definitely were or are not known, not interacting in parishes nor belonging to any particular diocese--yet were and are approved and consecrated by and in God while very much remaining definitively Catholic (members of the Body of Christ and members of the Catholic Church).
You seem a rather rare glimpse of a diocese hermit who has not succumbed or perhaps not gone along with the precedents being set by some hermits, particularly in the US, who are promoting, formulating, the erstwhile "traditional, historic" hermit vocation in this other manner. It also seems from current research and events that bishops are assuming and inculcating the precedents, although have been simply made up by more visible diocese hermits who have by essence of being more public have established themselves or by supporters, as authorities. The bishops seem not to question nor realize these protocols are simply being made up, whether or not the practices follow or adhere with what is stated in The Catechism of the Catholic Church. These may include precedents and practices regarding solitude, per say, or "hidden from the eyes of men", or living a "stricter separation from the world"--of which stricter has grown a loose definition and as if no "waistline needed."
Also, I have noticed that there is a precedent that has become as if "law", that the Catholic hermits who are of the ancient or traditional, historic mode (as has been the way of hermit profession and avowal, of being formed by God and those whom God has placed for a time period to guide the hermit, mentor the hermit)--that these hermits are somehow not to be referred to nor of themselves be "Catholic hermits". This is a relatively new development, not that a Catholic hermit needs to be known as belonging to his or her Church despite Catholicism being the basis of a hermit's practice of worship, theology, faith, and tradition.
Amidst these ongoing observations and in some regard concerns, I hope you might personally offer some insights as to the what and especially why, and how it was the diocese hermit and canon law 603 came to be accepted as essentially "promote and official, even "legal" format of hermit vocation in recent times. Also, do you anticipate the traditional, historic, perhaps what has been the only form or type of hermit existence prior to 1983 to thereby be replaced at least as no longer technically legally and in practice and essence inviable, in the eyes of the Church clergy and members? [I believe there was a movement in France in early 20th c.of something of the sort but my memory rusty on what I've read of this, now a century past].
Regardless, the creation of yet another canon law, and this for hermits of all vocations, seems to create what could become or has already made lasting ruts and signage as a replacement form of the centuries-old, tried and true hermit vocational pathway, going back prior to time of Our Lord hermit vocation. Already I am aware of aberrations from what is set forth and gleaned from more ancient hermit lives and writings, the requisites that earmark a hermit's life from perpetuity and history, and the ways and means of that lifestyle.
Thanks in advance and regardless, if you can illuminate and share your thoughts or knowledge on these questions and concerns I have for the rather divisive situation of hermit vocational options, the one being subjugated in many circumstances and locales, already. While the variant precedents and actual life style shifts taking place perhaps by bishops and diocese hermits maybe not in agreement or knowledgeable of the traditional and historic ways and wherefores of hermit lives--will not affect my own vocation. What has been written in The Catechism has been been gleaned from historic hermit and theologic writings and lifestyles; my own and other tradtional hermits live vocations anonymously, formed, and corrected by for most part the Holy Spirit as enactor, and our guardian angels as messenger, the Holy Spirit as guide and overseer, and of Jesus the Word and Son of God Our Father.
But I do sense and have cited instances noticed, of the division that is being created, plus some detraction even if subtle or recently reworded. Eventhough you state correctly that the centuries-and-into-antiquity style of hermit vocation should not be demeaned, the traditional historic way of hermit life is in effect being negated or presented/treated as illegal by virtue of having the relative recent, diocese hermit path "legalized" by a canon law with procedural structure created by humankind, albeit clerics, but perhaps some who wanted this structure and stature developed, lobbied for and assisted in the creation of the canon law.
So again, to re-cap; my sincere appreciation if you can shed light at least on the reason why a canon law to legalize and make public, organized, and structured a diocese hermit vocation--was determined necessary to begin with, or who promoted the diocese hermit or "by law" type of public profession into the hands of a bishop over private profession in and consecration by God?
It's always fairly obvious when someone has a mental illness or is a demoniac, even back in the Old Testament times or during life of Christ, compared to a quiet, unassuming person who if takes seriously being "hidden" from the eyes of humankind, lives in solitude, blends in, is in stricter separation from the world--with stricter being an on-going progression but not playing games with the meaning of the word. And of discerning and noting the spiritual life and prayer, praise and penance being the way of life, along with living the Gospel that of a healthy and viable hermit as opposed to an imbalanced and mentally ill person, or even one who simply does not have the vocation, at least not yet, and is in it for the uniqueness or some form of self-gain. (Hopefully, Christians would offer care and mercy to such persons, or grasping if one even knew of the "hermit" if in a phase of spiritual or temporal trial that time would prove the vocation one way or another.)
Otherwise in reality, if there were such a "hermit" observable as a hermit, saying he or she is a hermit, who is exhibiting traits and behaviors of a genuinely emotionally, mentally, or pathologically ill person, no one would take such a one seriously as a hermit. In other words, how would anyone even be known as a hermit if truly living in accord with the standards or requisites of hermit life and vocation from the period of the Essenes and even further back in history and forward through the Christian era to the requisites and standard basics being summarized and set forth in The Catechism of the Catholic Church?
And, will there will be a time or has it arrived, when the historic, traditional form of hermit is no longer attempted due to the current promoting by the Church bishops as well as the growing incidence of diocese hermits, the created canon law 603 also promoted by dioceses and being accepted as the legal way to become a "Catholic" hermit? While the traditional, historic, and not long ago only path or way of the hermit vocation--will it fall out of custom and become past history as it is not encouraged nor espoused by the clergy? Nor is the historic traditional hermit vocation promoted by diocese hermits by virtue they chose the publicly professed and bishop-approved path, and being public and following precedents set, are visible as hermits in dress, name and titles, having been announced in dioceses and often nationally or in national publications of countries. Additionally the Church membership at large is unaware of the hidden, silent, solitary privately professed hermit pathway and hermits themselves due to their remaining hidden and anonymous unlike the advertised diocese hermits whose often new names with religious titles are interviewed and presented in publications, as well as announced and spoken of by bishops and priests as Catholic hermits of "the Catholic hermit vocation"?
I wrote this to the hermit who I have admired for several years, when I discovered what had been written that was the most fair and decently accommodating of the hermit vocation in which otherwise, previously have been the only types of hermits, religious, at least, since any records or knowledge remains of those of which I am a remaining morsel among the others out there, living solus Deus, God alone, and striving in the basic summations of what is a consecrated Catholic hermit to live and be, now gathered and available to refer to in The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Beyond that, there are the writings by and of the ancient hermits up through the 21 centuries, and the Scriptures, Old Testament and John the Baptist in the New Testament, as excellent guides with their lives and trials, and their guidance, from which to learn, be inspired, and encouraged.
I went through and edited (cleaned and made more clear) my thoughts and request for feedback from this diocese hermit, and I have personally noted that the hermit did update the earlier writing on hermits, and has been influenced some by the increasing trend of Diocese hermits and bishops predominating the hermit vocational scene in the temporal aspects of the Catholic Church at least for now. Who knows how this will evolve and to what end--except for God Who often lets humankind devise their own hands-on desires to make and create more system, structure, and legalities? However I did appreciate shortly after sending my essay letter to thus level-headed and spiritually mature CL603 hermit who is admirably living her hermit life admirably in keeping with the basics and what remains summed in The Catehcism, coming across the writings of St Ignatius of Antioch way back circa some years prior to his death around the year 110. A bishop and martyr of the very early church, likely alive and part of the word "Catholic" being used interchanged with Church and thus Catholic Church came into the vernacular, this letter to the Magnesians, Chapter 6, 7, implores them to not tolerate division and warns of the dangers of divisiveness in the Church among Her Body, and in general. Enjoy what gifts us some worthwhile consideration even in our personal lives!
Do all then, imitating the same divine conduct, pay respect to one another, and let no one look upon his neighbor after the flesh, but continually love each other in Jesus Christ. Let nothing exist among you that may divide you; but be united with your bishop, and those that preside over you, as a type and evidence of your immortality. As therefore the Lord did nothing without the Father, being united to Him, neither by Himself nor by the apostles, so neither do anything without the bishop and presbyters. Neither endeavor that anything appear reasonable and proper to yourselves apart; but being come together into the same place, let there be one prayer, one supplication, one mind, one hope, in love and in joy undefiled. There is one Jesus Christ, than whom nothing is more excellent. Therefore run together as into one temple of God, as to one altar, as to one Jesus Christ, who came forth from one Father, and is with and has gone to one.
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