Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Catholic Hermit Deals with the Devil

Still trying to write with IPad, an old one at that.  Hard to make corrections, so please bear with, fill in the gaps and mishaps!  Thanks, dear readers!

The devil stops at nothing.  Since I dealt harshly but with much humor, with the devil, the more superficial obstacles ceased for the most part.  The devil then turns to more insidious and pathetic attempts.

What to do?

When dealing with the devil's tricks, these are some life-learned and studied tips.

1.  Recognize who is behind the obstacles and taunts, the hindrances.  As is spoken repeatedly in the current United States political battle, a first step is being able to identify and verbalize who is the enemy.  Then, recognize who the enemy enlists as part of his henchmen and/or naive or even well-intentioned pawns, wittingly or unwittingly doing the devil's bidding.  Be aware this can occur ultimately and most deceptively from within the ranks of Christianity.

2.  Declare aloud to the devil, that we are onto his tricks.  Call down the Precious Blood of Christ, shed on the cross for us.  Call upon the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Put on the armor of God.

3.  Enlist the advice and prayers or our spiritual fathers/directors.

4.  Requests he powerful prayers of family and friends.

5.  Be confident in His Real Presence and in the power of being one with the Body of Christ.

6.  Do all with the Sacraments of the Church, of blessed objects, of the Holy Mass.

7.  If in the Consecrated Life of the Church--in a religious order, a consecrated virgin or widow/widower, or a consecrated eremitic (privately or publicly professed), call upon fellow consecrated members to pray and support in the battle.

8.  Look to the saints and mystics as to how they handled repeated assaults by the devil.  St. John Via new, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Padre Pio are excellent guides.

9.  Call upon our guardian Angels, ever at our sides.  Call upon St. Michael the Archangel.

10.  Keep a strong and courageous sense of humor.  Chuckle, smile, laugh!  Rejoice in whatever persecutions, detractions, mishaps, and even odd, extraneous phenomenon.

11.  Stick to our daily routine, horarium, prayer life, manual labor, and proceed to handle the problems devolved from whatever hindrances placed in our paths.

12.  Double, triple, quadruple down on our determination to pray and participate in the life of Holy Church, following Christ, steeped in His Living Word, subsumed in the Mass both physically and spiritually as often as possible, and live by the Spirit.

These are what seem to be the main points that have proven helpful and successful to this nothing consecrated Catholic hermit in years ongoing of navigating the temporal and spiritual realms, this far!

Praise God in all things!  Love one another as Jesus loves us!  Remain in His Love!

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