Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Catholic Hermit: Reflection on Hebrews 3

The Book of Hebrews

Chapter 3

In all of life—temporal and spiritual—all is created from the foundation up.  There is earth, then seed; there is skeleton, then flesh; there is cement block, then framework; there is word, then sentence, then verse, paragraph, chapter, book.

God creates all things, including the Word, from the beginning.  All has a foundation that God creates.  “Every house is founded by someone, but the founder of all is God.”  God placed His Son over all His house, and we are His house.   But God gives a condition:  If we hold fast to our confidence and pride in our hope.

Our hope and faith must always be in His Real Presence:  God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We are told to reflect upon Jesus.  Consider that Jesus as founder of all is thus greater than all.  Reflect upon the reality of Jesus Christ, Son of God, God made man.  In Christ we have a true and worthy founder, far greater than any “house” itself.

We must never lose faith!  We must never lose hope!  Each day, in the present moments, we must encourage ourselves and each other to keep faith in the living God.  Otherwise, we risk being deceived, placing our hope and faith more in temporal foundations than in the Eternal Founder.

It is said if we keep our faith and hope and love in Christ, we become partners with Him; but we must place our loving trust in Christ and keep it firm throughout, to the end of our lives.  

If we lose our faith—not so much in a temporal “house” but in the Founder and Lord over the “house”—we then lose our way.  We risk our partnership with Christ.  We risk entering into His peace.  We risk that type of wandering in a life of inner deserts even if our outer world seems built upon our selves or in hope and faith in looking to others who seem (to us or others) to know where they are going in this world.

And these others who seem to know where they are going, may be temporal leaders or “temple leaders.”  When we are partnered with Jesus, we are partnered with the greatest and most glorious God made Man.  Our present moments and our lifelong paths may twist and turn; we might stumble and fall; but we keep going if we know His ways, if we simply keep going.

Follow no one but Jesus Christ.  There is no other sent by God as founder of all His house, the house of mankind, the house of humanity, the house of all creation.  There may be “Moses’” along the way, faithful to God; but there is no other as great nor greater than Jesus Christ.  Follow Him only.  Be faithful in His Real Presence.  

Do not forsake the living God, no matter what may befall us along the way from our God-created beginning to our earthly end.  Be faithful to God, resist rebelling, harden not our hearts, listen to His Voice whether a silent voice or a written voice or a heard voice.  Keep faith in God no matter what.

Lord, bring us safely through our life’s and world’s unrest to Your eternal rest.

Note to [a priest]:  I realize I’ve not related how Hebrews reflects your own life. To me, it is obvious with you not only being a priest—but most importantly what type of priest, and even more so, what type of SOUL.  it is the soul that matters, for a disobedient soul or a weak soul or a faithless soul will never be a true priest, nor even a good one.  Only a soul who follows Christ only and not even so much the temporal “house” with its good and not so good, is a priest who is truly another Christ.  And, of course, that goes for any soul—any of us. If we lose faith and stop following Christ, ignore His partnership with us, we aren’t going to be a true or good follower; we will not have His love, nor His rest.  You [priest's name] are a true, faithful partner with Christ.

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