Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Encouragement from Two Francis'

St. Francis de Sales says:

"...Always make your way before God and before yourself.
God takes pleasure to see you take your little steps; and
like a good father who holds his child by the hand, He will
accommodate His steps to yours and will be content to go no
faster than you. Why do you worry?..."
The Canon lawyer (also a Francis) was Mass celebrant
this morning, and after we spoke about being lights in
the world. He, of course, explained the light is not
always the physical view of light of activity. Each must
follow as God wills for His unique individual. Nothing
told him about Fra Jerome coming to an understanding of
a greater degree of solitude, late in his hermit life which
was late in his life, altogether! But, he gained from all that
he had attempted and produced, and he gained the insight
of his deeper conversions along the way, even if he did not
have the solitude and silence associated with hermit life
until toward the end.

St. Francs de Sales seems to speak to this, and for all of us
who maybe would like to progress in steps larger than our
feet seem to take us. Or if we do not see that we could
progress in larger steps--or lack the will or discipline to do
that which we know is helpful in obedience to God's will,
or allow ourselves to be deceived. It is easy to rationalize.
Sometimes it is just a matter of having to find out, this way
or that way.

This morning a young married woman called and asked
for a visit to her apartment, and there due to her baby to
have his crib for a nap. Nothing accepted, as it is trying to
live out waiting for God to bring who He wills. In this
case, it seemed sensible to go rather than to expect them
to come to Agnus Dei. Perhaps it is the growing expanse
of solitude, and the peacefulness within the mission of
just adoring Him in silence, and verging into the path of
the Nine S'--but nothing was ready to return to Agnus
Dei after an hour or so. The young woman really wanted
nothing to remain for lunch, when her husband would
come home. So nothing did, and it was lovely visiting
with this strong, faithful Catholic young family. Yet,
nothing was exhausted easily again, and returned to
Agnus Dei, and caved in on the bed in a numbed nap.

The cousin called, and nothing did not answer the
phone. Later, contact was made, and a short phone
conversation, while fertilizing roses.

It is all small steps in nothing's climb. That is fine.
A bit more discipline and focus stretches the effort,
and that is fine, also.

Progress is seen in discerning God's bequeathing
peace in certain situations, and His allowing depletion
in others--good other situations. Yet by the interior
and exterior (physical) signals, over time and with
consideration of the spiritual da and the confessor--
solitude and silence,
prayer and penance,
and light shining for God,
reflected in God,
refracted in His hidden hermit--
is His will for this nothing.

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