Sunday, March 16, 2008

Simplicity and Love

Of course, simplicity is ruled and governed by love. Love infuses the soul and guides it in whatever externals evolve as an outgrowth of interior simplicity, which is nothing less nor more than simple love. God is simply and extravagantly Love.

It seems at time to the nothing, that the hermit vocation is rather superflous. There is a reminder to not focus on what is a hermit, and how the hermit vocation is to be lived, but rather what is Love and how love is to be expressed in holiness and devotion.

When one ponders love in its simple complexities and its complex simpleness, the externals take on an even lesser value. The externals even become lucidrous. Hermit credentials, hermit approvals, hermit houses, hermit habits, hermit possessions or non-possessions, hermit appearances, hermit whatevers--all pale to the gift and grace of love of God for the soul and the soul's love of and by God for God.

When a specific vocation, such as hermit, shines brighter than the lightbulb of God's love, than the source of love which is God, then simplicity is externalized; the visible darkens the invisible, and the invisible is the lumnious core which should light the soul itself, as in glowing from within to without.


CM said...

Hi, remember me?

Eldest son just announced that he has decided he has a call to the religious life.

We were visiting with friends this afternoon and were able to go spend a half hour or so at an Adoration Chapel. He was in tears all the way home and I knew something was up.

I figured he'd either decided he wanted to marry their daughter (We've been friends with them a very long time and he's close with this girl) or he'd made a decision as to a religious vocation.

I'm just kinda dumb-struck by all of this. He'll be 19 in 2 weeks.

Continued prayers are much needed and welcomed!

Thank you so very,very much.

The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Chez,

Yes, I was thinking of you this morning, actually, wondering if you were still connected via internet--although knowing you are out there in the glory of God!

It is so beautiful to hear about your son! My late father's birthday is in about two weeks, so I'll ask his intercessions. Both my mom and dad--for their anniversary is April 5. Both are deceased.

This is quite a step, and so I will keep praying for your son in the process he will take next. Is he being confirmed at Easter Vigil? How has your transition been?

I can comprehend your joyfully being stunned! We can offer many sacrifices of praise and pray for continued graces and strength of purpose and divine guidance.

Hosanna to the King of Kings!

Anonymous said...

Glad you have worked through your inner (and outer) agonies - though I suppose this is a Good Week for it! Surely your love of God is your true vocation - and that is what shows. Be at peace...You are the Love of God in your heart...

The Catholic Hermit said...

Thanks! Yes, this is a glorious week. A friend still does not quite comprehend the hermit vocation; she cannot accept that a hermit would have grown children. But, I'm realizing that the vocation is quite a process, with wonderings, very much so, along the way. The exterior can sabotage the hidden aspect of the vocation; so one makes a choice. But, since the recent pondering, the books read have all pointed to the interior being what counts. It is odd how that happens: as if God (and surely He is) is answering by what the next chapter says by some hermit saint or one such as Dom Scupoli's book that St. Francis de Sales gained so much from, spiritually and in living out his life. Recently, I've wondered if I should accept canonical approval, but yet it would need to be hidden! From the Holy Spirit, I know I am to "remain hidden." A blog is an amazing place to be hidden exteriorly but the interior revealed. Much of the interior revelation is good for the hermit itself to work out the process; to make errors, correct, go forth gently.

May your Holy Week be awash with the Precious Blood of Our Savior--and the joy of salvation renewed in our Easter Alleluia!

Anonymous said...

I am fascinated by your blog. I left a convent 2 weeks ago to live more of a hermit life and am still discerning my path, but your blog is an inspiration to me to persevere in trying to live a life hidden in Christ. God bless you and keep you in His love always.

The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Sr. Angel,

Will be praying much for your discernment process. It does evolve! My laptop has been in shop, and there have been outflowings from within. Yes, God does have HIS way with us!

It must have been a huge step to leave the convent. Today, the spiritual da commented on some aspects of how this hermit life is evolving.... One thing he said is that I am far more free now! Before, he felt I was as if in a cage. So, this seems strange considering I am now more a hermit. But the hour or so at Mass, and on an errand now and then--seems far more freeing since trying to allow the Lord to utilize the personality he gave--which he gives uniquely to each human soul, with accompanying environment and various sets of circumstances. I hope to write about some of this more in depth.

For now, know that prayers are being offered for however God will unfold your hermit life! The more free in the exterior guise, the more it seems I am hidden from others as to the hermit life--so as to remain more hidden interiorly. God utilizes me in this fashion, whereas He may utilize some other hermit in a different way. Am working on not having such guilt for being "undercover" and something different in the exterior effect. But my, in this world, to be hidden requires some effort rather opposite of how one might think. More and more, the interior is to be hidden in Christ--and the being to be utilized as He wills. This means the interior, however, may always be hidden in Christ!

God bless you, and please update if you desire and God wills!