Thursday, July 7, 2022

Christian Mystic Hermit, of Holy Mother Church: Response to an Opinion Essay of a Man's Death of His Childhood Christianity

 A friend I knew in childhood and teen years, with whom we were brought up in the local Methodist church, surprised me in that as adult he became a Methodist minister, is likely retired now but is of the recent division of the Methodists, of traditional and progressives.  I think he relates to the progressives; the division is based on political leanings.  He posted an essay by an Episcopalian man, the title of the essay being  his mourning "the death of my Christianity."

What began in generalities, in his essay, quickly turned into a diatribe against someone and the ones in general who he finds fault with in their political leanings--of "the other party." He continues to disparage the one person he knows as well a the broadened group of that political leaning, and blames them for the loss of what he terms "my Christianity"--what he recalls of his childhood religious remembrances.

After an appt. with pain doctor on. Tuesday morning to discuss the horrific pain collapse that laid me out for a couple of weeks, with black outs and whatever--weight loss noted by the doctor and the struggle to continue on with such pain, and the progressive nature of Arachnoiditis from worse to worse--the pain doctor had commented as he often does regarding Catholicism.  He is a Calvinist, and he commented that the Catholic Church has done nothing but add on and add on so many made up aspects over the centuries.  I agreed; it has. 

I mentioned an early church--second century bishop and "doctor of the Church" (man made titles and positions, both) who decried that in that short time since Christ was on earth and had been crucified, mankind had and was making up increasing rules and theology and rituals in the Church--then, the only Church, the Christian Church and before long "catholic" would be term added.  I pointed out to the pain doctor that all churches from the East-West schism and the various denominations from the Reformation to today--have their systems, their hierarchies, their names and titles of leaders and ministers, their ways of worship in rituals, their theological differences and additions.  I pointed out that if these others had been around as long as what is the "Catholic Church" known as today, they'd have lots of additions made up by humans (in past and in most, mostly by males), also.

Regardless, I expressed what I've come to grasp as His Mystical Eternal Church, the Church we lovers of Christ and God and Holy Spirit will be united in, with no divisions, in Heaven.  I mentioned what I've been finding in readings of early church writers, as in the first couple of centuries, and of the mystics early on, and also in His Word, such as something John wrote in Revelation and Paul in Galations--so many openings and clues to His Mystical Eternal Church and of not becoming entangled beyond what we need, but to keep progressing spiritually, to in faith keep swimming on out into the deep of His Real Presence, the Trinity.

It was a lot to lay out, including some visions and locutions, but I think he will re-read Revelation with a renewed interest.

As to the man's opinion essay he wrote, which in actuality was a harsh judgment of those who do not go along with his political beliefs which he has morphed into being Christian beliefs and other than his political leanings not so Christian--I left a response, as readers were invited.  Below is that response.  I pray it will make sense to him, and to others, as well as will be a renewed focus for myself in whatever is next in God's will for me, and the progression of my soul--the soul that God placed in me when God conceived of my soul, sometime perhaps prior to conception, but unlikely no later than conception of my being a human, knit in my mother's womb....

My response, or perhaps more, my suggestions, to the man mourning the loss of "his Christianity" because it no longer seems to be all peoples with his political party and leanings anymore:

"Judge not, that ye may not be judged. If you seek His Real Presence, the Holy Trinity, and remain in His Word, and stick with God's Law of Love (love God above all things and love others as God loves--all our souls), you should feel immediately better. You will realize that your Christianity of childhood and adulthood has become a politicized judgment seat of which you are uncomfortable, and for that reason. Silence and penance--meaning prayer of praise and listening and asking forgiveness for your sins will become meaningful as God will speak to you and show you a better way forward. Praying for you. Appreciate your prayers, as well. It's not your Christianity, for starters. It's Christ's. Be willing to be placed upon the cross and gain His perspective. It helps."

God bless His Real Presence in us!  Love as God Loves; Love in His Love!

We are born to grow, learn, to spiritually progress, toward union through, with, in His. Real Presence.

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