Monday, July 4, 2022

Christian Catholic Mystic Hermit: A Correction of a Hermit's Blog Post Misinformation


I eschew getting involved in temporal stuff,  nor in rebutting another person's misinformation, and have refrained from doing so other than when the wrongs are personal, against myself. But I just noticed that a hermit blog writer who mostly focuses on temporal and canon law aspects of hermit vocation has written false information regarding how many and of which "side" of the political debate, were killed in the capitol breach on Jan. 6, 2021.

Temporal politics is not what I'm to be focused upon as a mystic or hermit of Holy Mother Church, for my calling is that of the spiritual and mystical progression of the soul.  I realize I get off-topic, and usually due to some written malignancy from another; but pray for me--I am praying to stick to what His Real Presence wills of me as far as my own spiritual life that informs, also, my suffering life offered in unity to that of Holy Mother Church.   

I'm finding even the aspects of temporal church that stick out, are but aspects that have been added and/or altered over the centuries by humankind, and have been bothersome to mystics, many of them canonized saints who are also bishops and "Doctors of the Church"--and who wrote about these temporal persuasions and made-up aspects that in their centuries were taking root, even as far back as the second century.  I am thankful when I read of others who were sorrowed by such temporalities of Christ's Ideal of His Church.

I'm not mentioning the person's blog title nor writer's name, but for those of my readers who may also read that one, or for herself and her supporters who read mine, this is the correct information from regarding what she has written of the temporal political scene and such matters inclusive with left-leaning politics vs conservative-leaning politics of our temporal times.  She posted misinformation on how many died that sad day, and that they were of the capitol police killed, when in fact, this is false information.  So in honor of truth, beauty, and goodness of which Christ Himself appeals to us all, the following is the truth and cites the facts:

"Journalist Glenn Greenwald commented on Twitter that the claim of “‘almost 10 dead’ from the 1/6 riot is deceitful in the extreme. Four people died on 1/6: all Trump supporters.”

"There is reasoned debate about the number who died as a result of the Capitol riot. Ocasio-Cortez [a Democrat Party representative in Congress] is including law enforcement officials who responded to the Capitol that day and committed suicide in the days and months afterward. None of them have been officially designated as “line of duty” deaths, though there is some congressional support for it.

"Ocasio-Cortez’s tally also includes two rally participants who died of heart failure — including one who died before other protesters had breached the Capitol. It includes a rally-goer who was initially believed to have been trampled to death in the mayhem that day, but was later determined to have died of an accidental overdose."

God bless His Real Presence in us, and let us love in His Love. And, while we learn to love one another and love our country and those in it, and love other countries in the world and the souls of all peoples, let us pray for the angels of God assigned to all nations and principalities, and to also pray that we learn to think, speak, and write in truth always.  

As for myself, a sinner yet striving as a Christian Mystic and Catholic Hermit of Holy Mother Church, please pray for me to remain true to my calling from His Real Presence to desire and seek union in His Real Presence and to write of truth of lived experiences in my spiritual journey.  I am not called to political nor temporal activism, as a consecrated hermit of God.   I know I yet get too distracted by  experiences of temporal church situations, and many of the past (we are not to look back; remain in the present moment!) rather than of His Mystical Eternal Church, His Living Word, the Holy Trinity, and the spiritual journey of which Jesus calls me (and all) to cast out into the deep of our hearts, minds and especially souls. 

Thank you for your prayers that I suffer my pains with love and not be deterred in doing God's will, to keep the spiritual focus, and to endure to the temporal end of my life here.  Please pray that I be subsumed into His Word and His Heart.  

For all of us, I pray with you:  Let the Holy Spirit free us from our self-deceptions and whatever keeps us from the spiritual climb to union in the Divine Holy Trinity.  Praise His Real Presence:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

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