Monday, June 27, 2022

Christian Catholic Mystic Hermit: Reminder of Being Led by His Real Presence

 Even today's Gospel, when Jesus refers to the one who wanted to follow Him but then asked leave to go back and say good bye to his family--not fit for the kingdom of Heaven, Jesus said, of those who put their hand to the plow or look back.  Cannot follow Him if attached and wanting and going back to other times, places, memories, even loved ones.

But this seems not for all people who follow Him, not for long, anyway.  Everyone lets go at death; there is no going back.  Even if the family is gathered at the bedside and saying how they love the person, that is not going to stop the mission and passing through from this world to the mystical, spiritual realm.  
Those who tell the Lord sincerely--heartfelt, deeply--to use the however He wants, must realize this means to be used in any way at all, and mostly not ways we'd think. And it also means that when He answers our please for help, He uses Scripture, and He MEANS it specifically, and that includes when it goes against what people think is acceptable and "right", and it includes what the temporal Church has set forth in human precepts that they set forth as doctrine, or in canon laws created by humankind over the centuries, or in protocol of the temporal church.  

And for some, it means that most if not all persons on earth cannot answer the questions; one must turn to God for the answers, and He may find someone on earth to help, but usually it is Himself or His Word Who answers, or He utilizes a soul from beyond earth to answer, or a heavenly being to deliver  a message answer (angel).  
It now seems right and natural, even good, that God has loved ones living their lives for the most part with the freedom of the suffering parent having passed on.  Not totally, as there might be a text now and then, but I have ceased from "going back to inquire or try to reach in and fit in" as I have a purpose and mission that was given me in addition to that of rearing my children.  They are reared and are all very successful and happy in their lives, careers, and social lives.  Not desired of, by them that I reach back in. 
Rather than look back or feel as if I ought to be other than whatever God wants of me, I must let go and remain ready for His answers and rejoice that I have Him directly now--and no, it has been shown me that I do not need to do what I remember every breath I take and waking hour of suffering.  He is in me and I am in Him, and that suffices; and I am part of the Body of Christ but not acceptable to the temporal Church because God has brought me to the reality also of His Mystical Church.  Yes, I so miss the temporal Mass which had become for me in the mystical state, blissful when the Mass was celebrated per God's will and Jesus' desires, a portal to His Real Presence and through to Heaven, literally a stairway to heaven for any to experience if they desired, would and then could.  

I must not yearn for what I've been asked why would I want THAT when I can have Him directly?  Of course, this goes against temporal protocol and human precepts taught as doctrine.  Being fed within by His Real Presence abiding within, goes against the weekly "obligation" as they call it in the temporal church.  And in the beginning of God calling me into the Church in which I felt I could not exist without the consecrated Host and Precious Blood daily and even twice daily by permission to go to two Masses daily--different parishes, rejoice in the Masses. 

But since the ecstasies began, of my angel saying I was being led to the stairway to heaven and shown--I have not yearned nor hungered for the tangible, consecrated Host and tangible consecrated wine.  I was and am fed by His Real Presence Whom I never forget, Who abides in me, all the time.
It's just that I did not trust enough and thought as the world thinks, regarding loved ones--and how can they understand or enjoy what was so heavy a burden for them, and nothing they can or could do to change the reality.
God alone can help those He has called to suffer; only God can answer the mystics' questions and needs and does so through locution, dreams, visions, His Word, supernatural visitations, and some temporal signals, as well.

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