Friday, February 7, 2020

Catholic Hermit: Inspiring Christlike Truth

The following excerpt from Vatican Council II on Christ's witnessing to the truth, inspires in us imitation of seeking Christlike truth.  The Living Word of God--the Scriptures--the Church and the saints, and the spiritual masters of the centuries, provide us with much teaching and direction in how we can follow Christ in our daily lives, no matter our era or society in which we exist.

"If Christ bore witness to the truth, he refused to impose the truth by force on those who spoke against it.  Not by force of blows does His rule assert its claims. It is established by witnessing to the truth and by hearing the truth, and it extends its dominion by the love whereby Christ, lifted up on the cross, draws all men to Himself  (Jn 12:32).

"Taught by the word and example of Christ, the Apostles followed the same way....  Not by the use of coercion or of devices unworthy of the Gospel, but by the power, above all, of the word of God. Steadfastly they proclaimed to all the plan of God our Savior, 'who wills that all men should be saved and come to the acknowledgment of the truth' (1 Tm 2:4).  At the same time however, they showed respect for those of weaker stuff, even though they were in error, and thus they made it plain that 'each one of us is to render to God an account of himself' (Rm 14:12), and for that reason is bound to obey his conscience...

"With a firm faith they held that the Gospel is indeed the power to God unto salvation for all who believe.  Therefore they rejected all 'purely human weapons':  they followed the example of the gentleness and respectfulness of Christ, and they preached the word of God in the full confidence that there was resident in this word itself a divine power able to destroy all the forces arrayed against God....  As the Master, so too the Apostles recognized legitimate civil authority....  At the same time, however, they did not hesitate to speak out against governing powers which set themselves in opposition to the holy will of God:  'It is necessary to obey God rather than men' (Acts 5:29).  This is the way along which the martyrs and other faithful have walked through all ages and over all the earth."

    ~ from Declaration on religious liberty, II, Vatican Council II 

In my time of continuing physical recovery from July spine surgery, and in this time period of deepening of my spiritual life, of my hermit vocation, of my offering of all suffering, the above writings of the Church's Vatican II very much help me discern what it is that differentiates God's law from man's law.  Yet the good of yielding to man's law remains as long as it does not place ourselves in opposition to God's will and God's law:  the law of Love.

For the most part, a life lived in solitude of silence, in praise of God and prayer for the salvation of the world, rare are the occasions in which there is conflict in my own quiet life, between civil authority or man's laws and God's law of love.  A key factor is being able to discern and abide by God's holy will in my life.  The discernment is the challenge, for if the emotions or the mind become dominant in the process of listening and waiting deep within the soul, the will of God can be clouded.  Or, others' opinions and input can also cloud the truth.  

Thus, a holy and wise and trusted spiritual person can be helpful in discernment--and not so much, numerous persons providing input.  Also, and more so, the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, can speak clarity to us when we pray, read, and ponder God's Word.  Taking the time necessary to patiently discern God's will is another invaluable facet of coming to Christ's truth for our own souls and lives.  And, if called upon to give input to another, taking time to pray, read, and ponder God's word regarding what another has asked of us brings about wisdom of the Holy Spirit, for guidance and input.

God bless His Real Presence in us!  Let us love God above all things, and love others as ourselves as God loves! 

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