Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Catholic Hermit: Devil Is Riled

Most certainly, the devil has been riled in this past week.  Ever since the meeting of the new spiritual father, the devil has been increasing the fury by the day.  I recognize this; and there are a couple of aspects in this situation.  It could be the devil is angered by the joyful soul and length priesthood of the spiritual father/director.  Or, it could be that the devil is angered at the potential for my either joining in with what I realize is the inevitable trend of the hermit vocation and not at all pleased with that potential.  

(And adjunct to this latter might also be irksome to the devil, is that of my relinquishing the inconclusive fact of only diocese CL603 hermits are in the consecrated life of the Church, for there is inconsistency with what may be lack of clear specificity in the wording for privately and publicly professed Catholic hermits as stated in The Catechism of the Catholic Church.  The argument that the CL603 came about a decade prior to the publication of The CCC lacks merit in that there have throughout history been some documents or laws created prior to further delineation of specifics and clarifying discussion.  Take the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, as examples, or also the Amendments to the Constitution.)

There are obviously other facets of the demonic upset occurring at a greater foment; it seems to be building, the devil's frustration and ire.  Reminds me of the elements of memory of which John of the Cross develops thought and basis for his spiritual doctrine and spiritual life.  (John of the Cross was influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas and prior to him, St. Augustine, and also somewhat, Plato.)  

St. John of the Cross deduced that memory includes a basis of broad past experiences of what we would include the deep subconscious and all that has influenced the soul (of which he includes intellect, will, along with memory).  St. John posits that memory does not only consist of actual,  recalled, conscious events, things, persons, as well as what may be recalled from the subconscious, but these come forth from more vast substrate of the very deep and broadest aspects of subconscious--that which the mind cannot easily fathom.

So it is, in a negative way, that the facets of the devil's wrath and deceptions not simply unleashed in obvious ways and means.  There is always a deeper base from which the devil builds its unhappy, malicious devilry.  Some we are able to discern and pinpoint readily, some requiring prayer, listening, and assistance in discerning.  

But there is even a deeper realm, that of hatred, envy, pride, anger, deception and dishonesty (lies), insecurity, narcissism, fury (impatience), and frustrated loss of control.  Of this deeper level, we may not fathom which or what combination, or the purpose or even the reality of these facets of the devil's disruptions and attacks.   Remember that the devil and the demons had been angels of light who chose to fall from God's grace and illumination, to become angels of darkness and perdition.

What our main task, when under attack and assault by the devil, no matter how visible and violent, or how subtle and imperceptible, is to discern, listen, and then decide what course of action (or equally, inaction) is God's desire in our handling the devil.  Sometimes we know with assuredness what is God's plan in how we handle the devil's antics (of which can seem the worst upset and horror far beyond antics, but in reality they are all just tricks of the devil, silly tricks).  

But often the devil (at least until we become adept in demonic warfare as the saints became) so riles and stirs our minds and hearts (and even our bodies sometimes as the devil knows when we are tired or not feeling well and makes the most of it), that we are unsure of God's ways of dealing with the roiling events, thoughts, or emotions.  We may then need to "cast the nets in the water," as I call it, and try one or two or a variety of options that are sensible, reasonable, and possible.  Then, sometimes waiting awhile, find out if God has put a fish in the net or if several, any or which nets.  

Another way to deal with the devil is to not "do" anything, nor to attempt a trial-and-error attempt of seeing if some action or thought attempted one after another, sends the devil packing.  It bears emphasizing that "doing nothing" may actually be, and can be, quite an effective way to cause the devil to shove off until the next time....  (Yes, sadly, while on earth we shall deal with the devil; the devil comes with our spiritual journeys, and the farther we sojourn striving in holiness and love of God and others, following Christ, and living a life of prayer and praise of God, the more the devil will become riled.)  

But sometimes considering the effect of the power of nada, of nothing, of negation in a sense of sacrifice or holy surrender to the glory of God, the devil will be cast into confusion, for it can be not at all what the devil expects of us.  The devil does not exist in humility, thus humility as a response when the devil is salivating with delight in presuming we will be devastated and strike back, or roll into the embryo curl-up, or cry and quiver and quit--when we do not react--well this can be quite effective in spiritual warfare.

No matter what, though, all these techniques and tips and more than mentioned, can seem excellent to try, the ammunition needs a vehicle of propulsion, of enactment, and that vehicle is God's will, God's grace, God's inspiration, and God's love.  We must pray for what, who, or how the devil is able to tempt us or actually create in us or our environment:  havoc, misunderstanding, upset, despair, and confusion.  Pray for the person who the devil has oppressed or possessed to become the devil's tool.  

Pray for the situation, as situations arise from the devils of darkness, also; they do have a certain power (of evil), but of course they never have power over the angels of light, nor of course, any power over God.  So with God in us, and God to Whom we pray and surrender ourselves, we will always be able to confound and overcome the devil, but more importantly, we can rise victorious out of the evil that the devil has tried to impart not only on us, but on those around us.

I usually need to explain to those who ask my input in their various situations in life, and I need to remind myself when being attacked by the devil using people or situations as his "tool/s", that the devil despises being thanked.  Yes, I thank the devil for causing me to turn all the more to God, to Jesus Christ, to the Holy Spirit.  The devil is not expecting such a gracious gesture as to be thanked--thanked that the devil's evil reminds us to all the more turn to good, turn to the source of all good:  God Himself!  

The devil also despises being reminded of the Virgin Mary who crushed the head of the serpent....  When we call upon the Virgin Mary when being demonically attacked no matter how subtly, the devil (in my experience) immediately flees, vanishes, disappears.  Keeping a rosary under one's pillow, easily reached, or in hand during the night is helpful; keeping a rosary in one's pocket during the day is helpful.  Praying a Hail Mary or even thinking of the Virgin Mary, or making the sign of the cross with the arm, hand, finger, or in the mind, will also help if the devil confronts us in the immediacy of the moment or encounter.  

In my current situation and with a person who the devil is using as a tool (but the person seems unaware, which is a typical ploy of the devil and another reason why we should not become upset with people being used by darkness), I have not called upon the Virgin Mary as much as I will now begin to do.  I gaze upon Our Lady of Solitude (also known as Our Lady of Sorrows) statue on the dresser across from my bed, and I keep a candle lit by her image, and I have a stained glass Our Lady of Perpetual Help hanging on the window, but still, I have not been in a mode of focusing nor asking enough, nor thanking Mary for her wisdom and prudence in handling the demonic interference.

For, when dealing with the devil, the devil tends to wear us out, or do all possible to wear us out by increasing the attacks, or doing sneak attacks, or increasingly subtle and insidious attacks.  The devil, as mentioned above, knows when we are tired, ill, in pain, our patience low, more humanly alone. (Thus hermits, or anyone, can figure they are making progress in the silence of solitude when the devil increases attacks--another praise to offer God and let the devil know our gratitude to God!)  

Even if we get duped or strung along before we start wising up to the wiles and wickedness of the devil, God has us covered with the Precious Blood of His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Jesus Saves!  Our guardian angels are ever with us, by our sides, and given us to assist.  What more crucial time of need is there but when we are under demonic assault?  Call upon our angels, and thank them, too!

Of course, we know not to dwell on the devil or the demonic tricks (that seem to us devastating, of course--part of the trick).  Dwelling on the devil, the demonic aspects of situations and persons the devil is using, only keeps us more focused on the darkness.  Always, the emphasis of our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls must be on His Real Presence:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!  Our focus must remain on love, even though it might take us a bit to get our bearings, and begin thinking in terms of spiritual warfare and calling upon all the powers of God and the Heavenly Help that God always provides.  Turn to God; ask God!  Love God, praise God!

Another little spiritual warfare tip that we can visualize--just as an afterthought--is to consider being in a tug-o-war.  The devil and up to legions of demons with him, are pulling on one end of the rope.  We, seemingly all alone, are on the other end.  It seems the very pits of fiery hell lay between us and the devil and his demons.  How can we possibly be saved?  How can we avoid being pulled, slipping and sliding in our struggles--not lose to the horrific evil?  

Well, for one thing, we are not alone.  Remember that.  Get used to seeing ourselves on the other end of the rope, with angels (St. Michael!), saints, our holy and loving ancestors and friends on the other side, as well as all those with us in this life who are praying for us even if not with us in person.  Learn to always see Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God the Father, Mother Mary, St. Joseph, our Guardian Angel who no matter what will ever be right there with us, pulling on that rope.  In fact, and in reality, we probably have to exert very little of our own energy if we have faith and hope in God and keep praying and praising God. And consider this:  It may be that God will say simply, "Let go of that rope!"  The devil and his entourage of negativity and evil stirrings will fall back on themselves--having won, what?  In those instances, nothing that God deemed yet necessary for us.

Yes, we can also thank God for the marvelous experience of the spiritual warfare, of the experience of battling the devil, for God is strengthening us, perfecting our souls, and teaching us loving submission to His will, the ability to sacrifice, the willingness to relinquish if that is the best outcome--usually some temporal aspect of which the devil thinks we are oh-so-desperate to cling to.  When we are willing to relinquish what it seems the battle entails--just be willing but let God's will prevail, let God decide--then we are assured that no matter what we are to let go, God will replace with something far superior than what the devil was so intent on taking, or seemingly to damage or disrupt.

I can think of some examples in my life, and surely you can, too.  I know that the terrible demonic warfare going on in the soup kitchen that the Virgin Mary had me begin, build up, and love to do so very much, that when my spiritual father directed me to draw away, in essence be the sacrificial goat, the scape goat, there was much good that came later.  Far better--and, of course, the always better has to do with something greater in the spiritual aspects and realm.  It is the spiritual of God, that are always going to be the greatest treasures, the pearls of great price.  Get used to desiring these over anything of earth we may think is so dear to us, including our lives.

Out of the sacrificing the soup kitchen--my part in it, the delight I had in increasing ideas and the growth of the efforts--out of the ashes of my being burned at the stake, essentially, was born my hermit vocation.  And of the hermit vocation have come more trials, and plenty of demonic assaults of all types and forms, including vision-type assaults for the devil can create fire, beasts, and even imitate Jesus and Mary, and any holy one departed or yet alive.  But I gained graces and experience, and far more insights, and ability to love more and more, even to love those who do not love me or even like me.

Well, the devil is riled these days--this past week especially.  And I have all the options to try, and am in process of praying, listening, discerning.  I've tried to text some to my spiritual father, but the devil knows well that I've only just met him, and he is awaiting some medical procedures.  Today while praying and removing fixtures from the St. John the Baptist Bathroom (getting ready to have at it in there, priming and painting), I realized that this spiritual father had not "signed up" with any idea of the type of spiritual life and spiritual warfare that this consecrated (until further clarity comes) Catholic hermit has regularly.  So I texted him this evening and brought this up, so he could decide if he thinks he is up to it!  God always provides, but full surrender to the Divine Will always considers charity to others, and kind consideration.

(And the bathroom prepping for whatever physical efforts I can perform with the pain issues ongoing, reminds me of another point in spiritual combat.  When the devil is attacking, stay busy.  Do your daily responsibilities, do something for others either actively or inactively, prayer, kind messages, etc.  Stick as best you can to your spiritual devotions, prayer, reading, and also get plenty of rest, eat your meals, drink plenty of water.  Get your mind off the battle; but pray and listen, for sometimes when the mind is more distracted by manual labor or charitable acts to God and others, the insights and answers often come in like a radio sound waves.)

Very tired.  Have written a' plenty!

God bless His Real Presence in us!


Jamie O'Mahony said...

I luxuriate by an open fire in my yard while I read this, yet woke up called to read it. Thank you for this blog. Spem spero one day I will follow this path. Ten years ago I let go of my first rope and “lost” much, only to spend most of that time trying to reclaim it. That battle is nearly over - I have released the rope a second time and now I wait. At this critical juncture came your blog, and I praise God for His words through you. May God not let up on you and may your surrender to him be continuous and complete!

Jamie O'Mahony said...

I luxuriate by a fire in my backyard as I read this, yet, spem spero, one day I will follow. I let go of my own rope ten years ago only to spend most of the time after trying to reclaim everything I had “lost”. I am learning, slowly, and I praise God for His words through you.
Blessed be your sanctification- May Our Lord never let up on you! Be encouraged by one from outside whose tears are falling with joy for your progress against the Adversary. Finally, May your surrender to Him be continuous and complete.