Friday, January 31, 2020

Catholic Hermit: Benedict XVI's Writings of Consecrated Life, Effect on Hermit

Am reading--no, in this reading it is more like praying--through Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's sumptuous writing on the Consecrated Life in the Church.  His thoughts bring tremendous peace within, and calm brings discernment and insights.

The interpretation seems solid, that there are actually four types of hermits, but only three seem specifically mentioned in Pope St. John Paul's Vita Consecrata.  The historical, traditional type of hermit is not specifically mentioned --unless considered to be an aggregate of individual, and the most solitary of all the four main types of Catholic hermits.  My dilemma is that, yes, I and other hermits are simply but profoundly called to this oldest , solitary form or type of hermit life.

 I have been  for over 20 years now, of the historical, traditional type of hermit, being formed by God as this type of hermits historically and traditionally were formed by God. They (and I) live/d in solitude, not with other hermits around us in a laura of hermits nor in a recently formed hermit community, not sharing a house or other type property with even one or more hermits.  We also, are not called to live in an ancient hermit Order.

When absorbing at some level, Benedict XVI's sermon, the supernal, the spiritual transcends and transports me deep into Christ, and when in Christ, I am in His Body, the Church, as well.  The peace and calm come over me other than an innate joy and excitement of my life and soul are being further formed and draw into Christ, by His Real Presence.  This is about the best I can describe what occurs within.

What I know and discern:  I was and continue to be called by God for the hermit life that He chose for me and values very much.  This hermit vocation has always been of the traditional, historical hermit type.  Through even a simple discernment and observation of what occurs within, when seeking answers in particular of the uncertainty in the wording as to traditional, historical type hermits seemingly not included in the Consecrated Life of the Church, is that which indicates more peace for remaining as a traditional hermit.

The more I read of Benedict XVI's sermon, the more the concern of exclusion or inclusion in the Consecrated Life with the beauty and graces included, seems to meld into that of the holy of Christ's spiritual intentions as Head of His Body, the Church, and all of us therein.  The temporal concerns and desires blur and fade and until all is subsumed into the vast peace of the Most Holy Trinity.

None of it matters so much, other than to persevere in what the Lord has chosen for each and all of us, and for us to love God very much and to love others with all the love of God in Himself.  Yes, love our neighbors as ourselves.

It is quite early morning now.  The new spiritual father has just sent a text of a selection, the Lord's messages to a Servant of God, regarding always praying for those who choose to make themselves our enemies.  Jesus tells the Servant of God that all the good we pray and offer for such souls, is actually a good offered to Jesus Himself.  I respond that the Lord has been given much, then, over the years for one we could consider our own; but will be given more love, more prayers.  I must, of course, offer all of what is "me" to His Real Presence, for specific souls, but truly, for all souls.

Whatever else, I let the new spiritual father know that something certainly has been going on that had not been prior to my meeting him for first time, ten days ago.  In pertaining to the messages of the Lord to various servants of the Lord, perhaps the point is more that I pray about how the Lord may wish to use me, to have the writing from me be something other than what seems lesser and passing, to writing what the Lord may prefer as being "the better part."  Of love, of suffering, of persevering, of recognizing what is passing and what is eternal: of Christ and more Christ, more love, all of His Love.

We each and all are souls in need of God's love, His mercy and grace.

I'm going to push the body this morning to be in attendance at the Mass.  I will make another offering of all of my nothingness, all that is yet my self, and for His Real Presence to take what is yet me, and place it in His All on the altar of His eternal sacrifice for our sins.  You, dear readers, will be included in my offering of love of Christ for the sake of the salvation of all our souls, and all souls in existence now and will be.  Am so grateful for your loving prayers and hidden, silent friendship in Christ Jesus!

God bless His Real Presence in us.

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