Praise God Almighty! What are the odds of my Lyft rides today? God provides! Besides my truck battery being dead again despite turning it on and running it for awhile in "park" each day, I need another jump and probably a new battery. Regardless, I am not physically able yet to drive myself to today's dental appointment.
I'd put off this appointment for over three months, as the crown on upper left molar--or whatever causing the pain--has been terrible and never simmered down all this time. I had the dental work done prior to July 23 spine surgery. So as I needed to do on Monday, I got a Lyft ride to the dentist this afternoon, bracing myself with accepting the suffering surely to come in the form of a low-to-ground economy car which is a "given" to increase back pain.
But what shows up but a fairly new SUV Mercedes-Benz? I declared it a miracle to the driver! The Mercedes driver, like the driver of the burgundy red Dodge Ram 2019 truck of Monday's return Lyft ride from the osteo doctor appt., does the Lyft driving as a little extra something to keep busy and make a little money. These two drivers appreciate their comfortable vehicles for all the other times they drive themselves places.
The dentist--marvelous Christian man--had me see his son, who I met for first time today. He is a recent graduate of dental school. Congratulations! After prodding the upper back molar and telling me what a beautiful crown it is (of which at the time I was convinced was awful crown and wished I'd not have it!), he took x-rays. His dad came to confer and look also at the x-rays, and immediately pointed out that the nerve root shows signs of irritation and something to do with ligament change that also indicates root canal needed. But it is not abscessed, so that is good.
I'm new at this stuff--crowns and root canals. All I know is that the molar seemed slightly improved lately, but has relapsed a bit again. I thought the crown would have to be removed to do the root canal, but to my amazement and gratitude, the root canal specialist just goes up through the crown to do the work. Not fun and costly, but for pity's sake, I am so blessed to be able to have dental care and dental work done, and be able to pay! I can wait awhile on it, though, for I'd like to be able to drive myself; the Lyft rides just to get to appointments add up in cost, and my low income cannot sustain many added costs if can be avoided.
But this is the "crowning" point of this post-sharing. What are the odds of what comes next regarding my Lyft ride back to Solus Deus Hermitage? I had mentioned to the dental receptionist (all of them are marvelous Christians) how God had provided two miracles in the Lyft vehicles for the last two rides. I said I'd better buck up and accept whatever comes in the return trip from the dental office, as I made the necessary smart-phone contacts for Lyft. The receptionist and dentist and his son said maybe God will give you another miracle. I said I was not expecting more than all the good already; and within myself I let the Lord know I offer whatever pain as prayer.
(Just prior to leaving for the dental appointment I'd received an email from someone who reported the situation with an adult daughter, the young woman who was in love with a young man who was not feeling the same way in return, was being tempted by a previous employer with even a higher salary offer to return to a job 2,000 miles away and where it had not worked out well before, but where the young man lives. Just two weeks ago the young man had told her to not return on account of him. It was heartbreaking for the young woman, but as we humans often do, it is hard to accept when God is not opening doors in the way we'd like. He also allows the devil to tempt us to do what is not the most prudent, and also to deceive us often with our emotions, to what is not so promising. I'd written to the young woman's mother that I will continue prayers and specifically would offer the Lyft rides and whatever pain may be increased.)
Back to the dental office. I arranged for the Lyft ride home, and lo and behold! Up popped a vehicle diagram and my ride but three minutes away. "Look for Edward in a 2019 Dodge Ram truck."
No way, but yes--this is the very Edward and his marvelous, smooth-riding, burgundy red truck that picked me up from the osteo center on Monday! Again, I ask: What are the odds? So another miracle, and an even less painful ride than the SUV Mercedes, and Edward and I had a chance to further connect with conversation and amazement at the unusual blessing. He had just left work and turned on his Lyft work connection. (This is by no means a small area in which I am located, so it is truly unusual and highly unlikely to have this occurrence.)
I'm offering prayers for the young woman as praise of God since I do not have increased pain as also an offering. I'll offer the $50 transportation cost, too, as prayer. And I'm offering this portion of Psalm 13:6, as well, to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the joy of daily miracles!
"Though I trusted in your mercy,
Let my heart rejoice in your salvation;
let me sing of the LORD, 'He has been good to me.'"
The dental staff and Edward the Lyft driver were given by God a manifestation of interior aspects of the mystery of the Church--through example of the personal intimacy of Christ-- despite the hiddenness of a nothing consecrated Catholic hermit.
God bless His Real Presence in us!
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