Friday, March 22, 2019

Catholic Hermit: Not That It's Relevant

Not that it's relevant to most people, if any, how my situation transpired at Mass.  But in case there is someone out there who is afflicted with some sort of mystical phenomenon--maybe it helps to give you a sense of not being the only "spiritual leper."  There are many--but we may not know them in this life time.

I was so taken by surprise yesterday, that this morning I realized I did not know how to turn on the television live-Mass screen in the day chapel at the church.  I could not find anyone who knew how, prior to Mass; and a dear woman insisted I come in where they all sit in the pews for morning Mass.  She thought I have a panic disorder.

The mystical ecstasy occurred.  I simply can do nothing to stop the power of it over my faculties.  My heart quickens; that is the best way to describe it, and fills with love that overflows throughout.  Part I recall, bits of Scripture and bits of the homily, but otherwise not.

After Mass and I gradually returned to the here and now, two women conferred, and one asked if she could bring me Communion.  They conferred further, right by me, wondering if I am Catholic.  They asked.  Then they asked what parish I belong to.  I answered.  While the one woman went to the tabernacle (must be a sacristan or EM), the other told me she didn't know if she should have wakened me to go to Communion during Mass.

I am used to questions, after having been asked and encountered all types of reactions from people.  I said no, that was all right.  I say little as possible, and allow others to think what they wish to think.  It does not matter.  I did then, go to the church office--after I asked a few people who were in the vestibule after Mass, if any knew how to turn on the TV in the day chapel--to ask the secretary if there was someone who could show me how to turn on the TV.

She asked me why,a s she said it is only used during over flow Masses.  I said nothing other than I needed to know so that I could be in the day chapel.  She went to confer with the priest in another area and returned, and apologized for questioning me and kindly showed me the simple process.  I mentioned that I tend to "freeze" when it comes to tech equipment.  That is true.  However, my main problem was not being alert yesterday, other than maintaining outer calm masking the inner anxiety over the priest wanting me to be at Mass....

It was glorious:  Mass.  I do love Mass.  I've been wondering since, if my dearest Spiritual Da had somehow worked on my behalf with Jesus, and to have this particular priest seem un-phased and desiring me to be at Mass despite the circumstance of my mystical affliction.  I do know that my Spiritual Da would really like and approve of this particular priest.  Yes, I feel as if I have a true friend in heaven now, and I must do all to be grateful and cooperate with whatever unfolds.

I'm grateful.

And I have pretty much all the tax information gathered, tallied, and just need to hear from the accountant regarding a couple questions.

It's Lent.  I am considering my personal sins, as best I can examine and see them.  There are several.  The priest mentioned the First Scrutiny during his homily.  That is, the examination of our personal sins--and what we are to be doing, in part, during Lent.  And, after also listening to a talk by Fr. Robert Barron on the three temptations of Christ, I have considered how the devil will try to cause distractions to us, so that we fail to be a conduit of Christ for other souls. We get distracted from our mission of being conduits of Christ's love and redemption.

I'm so grateful for being thus far, acceptable for Mass!

God bless His Real Presence in us!

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