Was reminded when subsumed into Mass, during the sermon, about this Lent's Second Scrutiny. The First Scrutiny a week or so ago, is the digging deeply and unveiling of our personal sins, repentance, and resolve to change out of those sins. The Second Scrutiny, currently, is to scrutinize our communal and societal sins. (We can't simply pass the buck to generalized "others" forever!)
I've been wondering about what a hermit (and with increasing back pain and the accompanying nerve pain and muscle weakness when one's spinal cord it being squeezed to not much of a cord) can "do" to change my communal and societal sins for which I am part, and in part responsible.
I can vote, yes--be it federal, state, local, or even home owners' association matters. I can remain alert to and updated on what is occurring in society and the world. (For this, a hermit needs some discipline; I'm still working on that aspect--not to spend too much time perusing news online or listening to live stream newscasts. A brief review of headlines and articles ought suffice, but again, I'm working on this discipline for news nowadays is produced full of viewer "hooks"! Give the bait and hook us, then reel us in!)
Then I can pray about the situations in the world and community, in the neighborhood, even, within the family--extended and primary and then of the self.
I also considered the comment sections after news articles, and sometimes I leave comments along with many other comments. I try to leave comments that remind us to pray for the victims, the situations, the circumstances--whatever is impetus for the article in the first place. I strive to be a voice of reason, peace, love and of Christ. I'm still working on this aspect, also.
(Regarding my occasional comments, or on the better comments of others, clicking "like"--I had, before reviewing the purpose of the Second Scrutiny, considered my commenting, etc. to be not necessary or a good purpose. But now I consider that in a very small way, anonymously, I am building up society for good, reminding of prayer and of right versus wrong, as well as to turn our thoughts to God. I just have to make sure I don't succumb to less-than Godly comments.)
I've considered being at Mass now, as a means of helping uplift the community--the Body of Christ. I must die to myself to be there, for one thing. I risk being injured if others try to awaken me from the mystical state; and I risk my own personal embarrassment of whatever it is if someone observes what might seem quite odd, someone immobile and as if deeply asleep during Mass. However, being there now seems what the Lord has willed through this priest, and when in that deep mystical state, hopefully the prayers of soul with God and whatever bits of temporal thoughts are exchanged, are uplifting souls around me, including my own soul.
Sending texts in response to a couple friends, might be making reparation for communal and societal ills. Especially can comments address those in bad marriages or struggling with stubborn pride that causes them to, for example, not seek medical attention for treatable conditions that could make others uncomfortable in their presence. Yet, how much to comment?--that is a necessary question to ask. Perhaps comment as responding to an article on a communal or societal news article. Turn the matter to what might be God's view, or at least point to God and the Word, to peace and prayer and love. And always promise to pray.
Praying is a huge "action" in striving to uplift and build a more holy community and society from one person to millions worldwide.
I also am reminded of a locution I received now 18 or so years ago. Be a guest. [For more in depth discussion of "Be a guest" I refer readers to that blog post of Dec. 18, 2014, although I warn it goes into more detail yet in a stream-of-consciousness style for which I probably need to pray for the grace to improve in succinctness!]
In fact, I'll just post it below--and you can skim or scan or not bother. I had cut-and-paste from an email I'd sent someone who was having difficulty getting along with people visiting as well as in general, with those around the person in social groups. While at the time I wrote the thoughts, it was Gaudete Sunday in Advent, perhaps it is as applicable to this Laetare Sunday in Lent! You probably can get the connection of how we mortals can quite simply and daily improve our community and society and world by the attitude and action of being a guest.
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