Saturday, May 20, 2023

Christian Catholic Mystic Hermit: Morning Pep Talk from God and Hildegarde de Bingen


More inspirational, morning "pep talk" from God, to spur me on to keep going today amidst sickening physical pain and distressing facing of some relational realities that I'd put off closure for a long time.

[I suppose it is not really my closure when the others chose to cut off in various ways, even if subtly and cleverly. But it is my closure in needing to face and accept the reality of the situations--types of death such losses truly are. No point in going on as I had been, thinking that by being one-sidedly taking the high road was going to help; it is not a high road to blow air into a corpse. No truth, beauty, and goodness of genuine life genuinely results.]

The following is from a vision in which vice and virtue, sadness and joy, dialogue with one another. The late, great Hildegarde of Bingen, 1098-1179, wrote the inward conversation which is found with other of her writings in The Book of Divine Works.

Sadness - "Alas, why was I created? why am I alive? who will free me? if God watched over me why do I know so many dangers? Even were I to trust in Him He would not bring me happiness. Even when I rejoice in Him he does not protect me from misery...If He is my God why does he deprive me of His grace? Created in misery, born in misery, I have no consolation, what is the point of a life that lacks joy?

Celestial Joy - "God created man full of light...Consider the prosperity God pours upon man! Who gives you all that you have if it isn't God?...I praise all the works of God even if they are sources of sadness. You, you are constantly sad, but I , I entrust my actions to God who reveals to me that even in a certain sadness there is joy, and even in a certain joy there is no profit...."

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