Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Christian Catholic Mystic Hermit: Couple Sentences from Augustine's "Treatise on the Psalms"


A couple sentences from Augustine's "Treatise on the Psalms" explains much for existence and one's choices

His Real Presence continues to send me life lines of hope and encouragement in being progressed into His Mystical Church and set behind me the troubled, humankind existence of what the temporal has become over centuries of human alterations and devised creation.  Even if it is placed under auspices of the Church, it is temporally composed and of temporal design and intent as compared to His Real Presence and His Mystical Church which is the reality for now and eternity.  His Living Word bespeaks of His Mystical Church and His Real Presence; we will all be there when we recognize the conflict of remaining attached to things of the earth, which includes what is temporal of temporal church.  
I struggle with the upset of temporal existence in having forced means to keep the body mobile as much as possible to offset the progression of arachnoiditis effects, which then will have me requiring care which needs to be paid for, thus trying to finish home updating (which I enjoy the physical and creative exercise therein but run into temporal trials with those who are bothered or resent an older woman able by the grace of God and her angel to know how to and to do most, albeit very slowly and with days between of pain limitations.  So I do consider at what cost to my inner peace in having temporal enforcements to make me keep going?  
Am I attached to temporal or is it simply what I am utilizing to keep the body as mobile and ambulatory as possible and to distract from the tremendous pain?  Will I finish with enough left of mind and heart to write the more substantive writings God likely would have preferred I continued writing years ago, and then came the interruptions and chaotic situations of an ordinary mystic with unexpected occurrences upsetting the applecarts of various parishes, priests, bishops, and parishioners?  That was a quarter of a century of distraction and too much attempt to adhere to what has become more temporal than mystical and spiritual.  
Thus I long for release from body and the temporal means of having to keep going in the temporal and desire very much for Jesus to come back for me, to take me with Him.  But it seems I've not written what it is that His Real Presence would have liked of me in these years of dog-paddling in the weeds of temporal church rather than climbing the stairway to heaven of His Mystical Church.  

That has commenced in my inner experience, however, amidst the efforts of temporal construction and dealing with a rude, hyper-tense handyman, three HOA ladies my age who feel empowered to fuss over exterior paint colors just because they seem to resent that this old hermit is painting and framing windows rather than making up new rules for homeowners and dictating without any of them having any interior design or art experience.  

It's a mirror of such as canon laws and some in the temporal church clinging to temporal and power, position, prestige and matter, singing an old song yet thinking they have created it anew themselves to solve old problems that deceive as being new. 
HIs Real Presence reaches in to free us if we desire, and I so desire to be freed, so battled the HOA ladies by flattery and Holy Spirit's words to trap them in their own words.  Yet I could just unload this place and lose the money I may need for nursing care; and that is where prudence can seem a virtue one ought choose over blind faith?  Regardless, utilizing temporal I suppose is not the same as attachment to it.  The contrasts between temporal and mystical are in the temporal world and temporal church compared and contrasted to His Real Presence in His created world and His Mystical Church.  
One finds peace only in His Real Presence and in His Mystical Church.  His Mystical Church could have been feasible in the temporal, but it got overruled as did neighborhoods that had functioned with well-intentioned, Christ-loving neighbors but before long have been overruled by autocratic and machinations of humankind in homeowner associations. The latter, and temporal churches, have much in common.  Intentions are or were very good, but somehow they lose their way in the weeds of humankind's doings.
From Augustine's Treatise on the Psalms:
 People who remain attached to the things of the earth still sing an old song. In order to sing the new song, a person must love eternal things. That love is both new and eternal; it is always new, because it never grows old.

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