Sunday, August 29, 2021

Christian Mystic Hermit Catholic: Difficulty Writing; Hand Surgery Soon

 My right hand is in need of surgery which will happen in a week unless moved up sooner.  The knee needs replacing but hoping to get it drained again and another injection of steroid as it seems best to address the more urgent of the two body parts. And then either before or after a knee replacement, the neck needs major surgery and thus nothing to jump into until pain down the arms and into hands and in neck is unbearable. For now, the hand is at the point of losing strength and function, thus the neurosurgeon said it is in the urgent category.

I might do some videos since writing is painful and difficult, exacerbating the hand pain.

This is the life of a victim soul of the Sacred Heart of Jesus--a suffering servant, and I'm reminding myself that pain of all types is to be met with perseverance in reliance upon His Real Presence, and at this point also accepting the various surgeries due to injuries of the past--drunk driver and employee who was not keeping a water hose unlooped and flat on a floor, out of the way where customers such as me could trip and fly and hit the concrete, thus causing permanent knee damage.

Always in the world is the element of injustice, such as the drunk teen who was not arrested, who hit me 37 years ago causing permanent back and neck problems, or the store employee who did not keep a watering hose flat nor away from me who did not see it and foot caught, body flew and hit concrete causing permanent knee damage.  And the legal system does not necessarily provide justice nor remuneration; it becomes quite ugly.  As James writes in his Epistle, keep oneself unstained by the world.

I remind myself in all these years of constant pain, that it could be so much worse.  That is true, and in circumstances including emotional and spiritual pain, yes, I've been through far worse in some instances than the surgeries I face--the neck surgery the most serious and painful of all.

All else is well--the mind, heart, and soul--as well as an imperfect human can be, but is well due to His Real Presence in His glory and love is within and I am within His Real Presence.  Praise and love to the Holy Trinity!

Love in His Love, and God bless His Real Presence in us!

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