Monday, June 25, 2018

Catholic Hermit: Memory; Fr. Vincent Explanation

Saw this memory of five years ago.  I had shared with Fr. Vincent the amazing and helpful occurrence with St. John the Baptist back in 1988.  I suppose throughout life, one reflects and tries to grasp the meaning of such visions and locutions--the Hand of God in our lives, the interactions of the Holy Spirit in numinous encounters.

"Fr. Vincent emailed that the miraculous occurrence 25 years ago on the Solemnity of Birth of St. John the Baptist, and other graces I've been given spiritually, that Jesus transfigures into events in our lives (consider the event on Mt. Tabor in which He transfigured before Peter, James and John) so that we will have strength and marvels to consider as the path ahead is going to be very difficult. The more graces, the more we can expect of trials that will require us to cling to the graces. There is a direct correlation, I see."

Other memories are as if it is today and relates to the intractable, chronic pain that the Lord allowed and bestowed nearly 34 years ago.  He needed me more for Himself and to keep me from leaching back out into the world.  I write about pain, I live pain.  It is my constant life companion and the means of my mission and purpose in life: suffering.  Pain is what helps unite me with Christ, my Beloved Spouse.  When I neglect to consider it as such, it becomes merely pain and not salvific nor glorious.

Another memory from five years ago--manual labor, pain [had also written about feeling as if I have the flu but knowing it is the pain causing the effect], and vision and past, simple message from Padre Pio:

"Some trees are not doing well due to my needing a load of compost, and then the strength to shovel and wheelbarrow. I need a shovel since two have been broken by my helpers here. Accidents do happen, and I have broken things sometimes without even knowing how I did. Electrical type stuff. Need to be praying more today. Silence and penance! So said Padre Pio to me many years ago in a vision, unexpectedly appearing. It was among many portents of great suffering ahead in my life."

This morning I awoke exhausted from pain.  Hard to fathom that type of power from pain after a night of sleep!  Yet, it is so, that pain is powerful and thus utilizable for spiritual good if one views it as such and cooperates with Christ in suffering.

Need to work on the newell posts and banister/railing for the stair install.  Man from parish is only available Thursday afternoon to so kindly help me install banister and balusters.  Must remove from saw horses the bathroom door, in process of priming, sanding, painting (two coats, both sides) and haul in the long rail and newell posts from pole barn and begin the finishing processes for these.

Praising and praying--and to simply keep going, to simply keep going.

God bless His Real Presence in us!

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