Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Catholic Hermit Praying, Pondering

Put in the two calls--one to Dr. H. and one to the spiritual father, the hermit's holy superior.  Of the two, Dr. H. has the lived experience and expertise with the spiritual paranormal--years of it.  When the hermit converted to Catholicism 20 years ago, Dr. H. said the hermit would be "hard-pressed to find a priest in the country who would have actual experience or know about such matters even if they may have read of some aspects in books."

At the time, this hermit thought surely Dr. H. was incorrect on this.  Over the years and many, many priests and bishops and those wanting to be spiritual directors, Dr. H's assessment has proven correct--at least thus far.  The hermit's current spiritual father is humble and holy, and his wisdom admits to not having actual experience, but he has a keen sense of the Holy Spirit and vast knowledge of God.  Between the two men of which this hermit is so blessed to have in times of discernment and guidance of the here and now, there will be some suggestions and answers.

But, the hermit awoke with not really wanting to be at the most-attended Sunday Mass, nor to necessarily be sitting with the family in more view of people.  The helper's dad was not keen on a sign, as he said many people don't bother to read signs, or they would then have all the more questions.  Maybe questions are not bad, though, if this situation has a different aspect to it that God wills than the approach the hermit and others have thought to take for the past seven years.

Otherwise, it is back to work here this morning, with yet another fine layer of drywall mud in the downstairs bathroom needing to be feathered out.  Drywall mudding is an exacting art, and this Catholic hermit is bungling its way through learning by trial and error and then successes.  Is it that what works seems to be quite powerful as opposed to what does not work?

The hermit has been pondering being less negative and seeking more the positive aspects of all matters and experiences, for God Is Love, and Love is the greatest as God Is All to our nothing.

God bless His Real Presence in us!  Little children, let us love one another!  God Is LOVE!

Now, to the manual labor.  Many prayer intentions sent the hermit's way yesterday and this morning, so much to pray about while working.  It is all very good.

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