Monday, March 23, 2015

Catholic Hermit's Heart Best Here

Yet today in upper echelons of physical pain.  The mind and emotions were dipping into the past, having regrets for choices that seem to have not brought blessings from God to the Catholic hermit, nor to others close at heart.  Such dark thoughts, spurred by the devil who is adept at moving in on bodily pain to create upset--vied for inner space.  

This all-the-more-nothing-reduced-by-pain Catholic hermit finally recognized the tricks of the evil one and turned to Him Who strengthens the heart:  Jesus Christ, the Beloved Spouse.  The words across the centuries, inspired by His Real Presence and penned by a man named Thomas a Kempis, seem apt today.  This particular selection, where the hermit had last left off reading, sets straight the mind's path and leads straight to the heart of God's matters. 

The hermit remains downed in bed but not now downcast in spirit. Separating the sentences in the selection below, helps the eyes and mind slow the speed of reading for better absorption of holy wisdom.  Any cares and trials of life--the past, the present, and future unknowns--are answered in the clear light of words that release and lift from deceptive snares.

This Catholic Hermit's heart is best when turned to His Real Presence and reminded of that which is of most importance on earth and in heaven, in all our lives no matter what.  Read the following from The Imitation of Christ, Book Two, Chapter One: Meditation.  Discover for yourselves if your heart is best here, as well. 

The kingdom of God is within you,” says the Lord. 

Turn, then, to God with all your heart.

Forsake this wretched world and your soul shall find rest.

Learn to despise external things, to devote yourself to those that are within, and you will see the kingdom of God come unto you, that kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, gifts not given to the impious.

Christ will come to you offering His consolation, if you prepare a fit dwelling for Him in your heart, whose beauty and glory, wherein He takes delight, are all from within. 

His visits with the  inward man are frequent, His communion sweet and full of consolation, His peace great, and His intimacy wonderful indeed.

Therefore, faithful soul, prepare your heart for this Bridegroom that He may come and dwell within you; He Himself says: “If any one love Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and will make Our abode with him.”

Give place, then, to Christ, but deny entrance to all others, for when you have Christ you are rich and He is sufficient for you.

He will provide for you.

He will supply your every want, so that you need not trust in frail, changeable men.

Christ remains forever, standing firmly with us to the end.

Do not place much confidence in weak and mortal man, helpful and friendly though he be; and do not grieve too much if he sometimes opposes and contradicts you.

Those who are with us today may be against us tomorrow, and vice versa, for men change with the wind.

Place all your trust in God; let Him be your fear and your love.

He will answer for you; He will do what is best for you.

You have here no lasting home.

You are a stranger and a pilgrim wherever you may be, and you shall have no rest until you are wholly united with Christ.

Why do you look about here when this is not the place of your repose?

Dwell rather upon heaven and give but a passing glance to all earthly things.

They all pass away, and you together with them.

Take care, then, that you do not cling to them lest you be entrapped and perish.

Fix your mind on the Most High, and pray unceasingly to Christ.

If you do not know how to meditate on heavenly things, direct your thoughts to Christ's passion and willingly behold His sacred wounds.
If you turn devoutly to the wounds and precious stigmata of Christ, you will find great comfort in suffering, you will mind but little the scorn of men, and you will easily bear their slanderous talk. 

When Christ was in the world, He was despised by men; in the hour of need He was forsaken by acquaintances and left by friends to the depths of scorn. 

He was willing to suffer and to be despised; do you dare to complain of anything? 

He had enemies and defamers; do you want everyone to be your friend, your benefactor? 

How can your patience be rewarded if no adversity test it? 

How can you be a friend of Christ if you are not willing to suffer any hardship? 

Suffer with Christ and for Christ if you wish to reign with Him. 

Had you but once entered into perfect communion with Jesus or tasted a little of His ardent love, you would care nothing at all for your own comfort or discomfort but would rejoice in the reproach you suffer; for love of Him makes a man despise himself. 

A man who is a lover of Jesus and of truth, a truly interior man who is free from uncontrolled affections, can turn to God at will and rise above himself to enjoy spiritual peace. 

He who tastes life as it really is, not as men say or think it is, is indeed wise with the wisdom of God rather than of men. 

He who learns to live the interior life and to take little account of outward things, does not seek special places or times to perform devout exercises. 

A spiritual man quickly recollects himself because he has never wasted his attention upon externals. 

No outside work, no business that cannot wait stands in his way. 

He adjusts himself to things as they happen. 

He whose disposition is well ordered cares nothing about the strange, perverse behavior of others, for a man is upset and distracted only in proportion as he engrosses himself in externals. 

If all were well with you, therefore, and if you were purified from all sin, everything would tend to your good and be to your profit. 

But because you are as yet neither entirely dead to self nor free from all earthly affection, there is much that often displeases and disturbs you. 

Nothing so mars and defiles the heart of man as impure attachment to created things. 

But if you refuse external consolation, you will be able to contemplate heavenly things and often to experience interior joy.

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