Friday, June 20, 2014

God's Dream for Us

Today someone emailed and then called later to discuss and ask advice in discernment of a spiritual experience, of a voice and thoughts, and then the resultant ideas regarding acting on it or not.  While I go through the details elsewhere, something emerged that I thought quite excellent.  (There are always lessons and benefits of grace when we share spiritually with one another.)

What I found intriguing was the realization that while we sometimes have dreams for our lives--goals, desires, hopes--dreams--they may not be at all what God dreams for us.  Also, we may hold dreams for other people--dreams that are not God's dreams for them or even their dreams for themselves.

So I suggested to the person, but more seriously thought it for myself, that we ask God to reveal to us His dream for our lives--our personal, day-by-day lives.  I don't mean the memorized and lovely lines of beautiful and lofty sentiment, such as to know, love and serve God.  While this may be His dream for all souls, I think surely He has dreams for us and for how we are to live our lives, in very personalized and concrete aspects--dreams like a parent has for a child.

I am sure He has a dream for me, in this phase of life.  I so desire to be sure to be striving to fulfill His dream for me, His child.  Perhaps He is showing me bit by bit, daily.  Perhaps the return to writing and sharing the spiritual thoughts and experiences is part of His dream for me to teach others how to navigate the spiritual world.  I don't know for sure, not yet.  

Or perhaps His dream for me is more prayer, or more solitude, which is occurring.  Or to paint or keep at the manual labor, or not.  Or to explore other types and levels of prayer--conversation with Him, the Trinity in each Person.  Or to get to know more holy souls on the other side who have already come in certain ways over the years, to guide and assist me in the spiritual journey, and to comfort and befriend, too.  His dream for me may be none of these but something other.  I want to know what He dreams for me!

I am sure God has a dream for you, too.  For every soul, and this dream is not what we may decide is our dream for ourselves.  But it could be.  Some may have God's dream for themselves fairly obvious at a young age, and it comes in the form of some type of gift or passion of a temporal or tangible career or pathway.  So I'm trying to express that aspect of dream the means He wills and desires for our lives that will also be very much the spiritual journey, too.

Even if I cannot express it well, I have been asking the Lord this afternoon--ever since the thought came that God surely has a dream for everyone's life, and we should discover what His dream for us is and not assume our dream for our lives is what is His dream for us.  And, I am now alert to making sure I do not have dreams for other people but rather will pray for them to ask God His dream for them...and to pray for all of us that we fulfill God's dream for us temporally and spiritually.

His dream for us maybe something akin to His will for our lives.  Yes, but it seems personal- ized to realize that God has a loving, special dream for each one of us in the way we are to live each day and toward which we are to strive.  It is the actual means and manner of His will, of His dream for you and me.

It is never too late to ask God anything.  I know He will answer and share His dream for each of us.

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