Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Christian Mystic Hermit of God and Church: These Are Important


Repentance is very important, as is simplicity.

I must repent of God's time He gave me, that I wasted on striving after what is complex even in temporal church, and in my own life, working on that which is complex for my old and pained body, and now has become penance for me that I suffer the work and mess slowly and painfully.  

I must repent of having looked back and tried repeatedly in past to return to that which His Real Presence had progressed me through and desired me to be led farther, to willingly go forth, not repeat nor remain in before already learned and experienced.

Repentance, simplicity, and desire for His Real Presence and what He wills are IMPORTANT.  

Not meant to be difficult for us to be progressed to God and to live pleasingly in His Real Presence,  pleasing to God.

Love in God's Love, and God Bless His Real Presence in us!

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