Friday, March 20, 2020

Catholic Hermit: Hermit's Efforts, and God Provides

My efforts to try to convince others to stay inside, are coming to a conclusion.  I've written on various sites and have fielded those who wish to debate and disagree.  I have no idea if I end up being successful in explaining or convincing those who consider COVID-19 to be not as serious as it is, to please stay inside.

Gov. Gavin Newsom and likely others will follow suit before long, has solved the problem for the highly-populated California.  Mayor Bill de Blasio in NYC desires to declare a lockdown, but Gov. Cuomo is opposed; the governor would supersede the mayor.  However, for all people to STAY INSIDE for at least a couple of weeks, will help contain and stopping the spread of this coronavirus.

This afternoon I had another older person call. We'd not spoken in several months --maybe over half a year at least. (I do not have many phone or other verbal or in-person contacts, but do have an email a day from one person who likes to send mostly information on a saint for the day.  Lovely!  Otherwise, a couple other persons from years' past life, email briefly once a week or less.  There are occasional texts.  The main phone calls are mine to set up the medical appointments that once I'm well from this current affliction, these recent appointments will not repeat!)

The older person today is yet another who seems unaware of the suffering and potential death, and more so--the risk of their potentially infecting other people to cause them great suffering and sometimes, death.  People who are Christians, and Christian Catholics, and others who are intent in major fears and concerns of the effect of climate on the planet--amazingly do not see the necessity to STAY INSIDE for temporary time period in order to cooperate in stemming the spread of COVID-19.

I've done my best in the couple of phone calls, the couple of texts, and the three or four emails. I've done my best on numerous comment threads of various news articles.  Now it is time for me to return to prayer only, other than what I might write and share on this blog.  I think before long, the leaders in the country and of the states and communities, will have to enforce lockdowns, essentially forcing all citizens to stay inside other than those who must be out as are medical professionals, law enforcement and fire fighters, bankers, and grocery employees.

We people simply could not cooperate and listen to leaders and brilliant professionals who are trying day and night to educate us through news programs.  Too many continued to go out and not practice physical distancing. (Someone has pertinently pointed out that we are not social distancing, for we can keep social contact via technology; but we are to practice physical distancing.)  

The virus continues to spread rampantly, and if we do not slow and halt the spread of the virus and stop contaminating others and surfaces and air by those who are ill and go out but think they have something other like a cold, or those who go out when they do not realize they are infectious but no symptoms yet.  

There are plenty of people, from youth to young and mid-adults to elderly, who continue to go out because they do not yet see the reality nor the need to stay in.  There is selfishness, ignorance, and personality inability to be stilled and relax within self and abode--one or some or all of reasons such as these.  

Lack of concern for others, unable to put off what they want to do until a few weeks or couple of months from now, and also denial of the severity of the sickness from this virus, as well as the mortality rate, are reasons why people do not cooperate with what we need to do to stop the virus.  We'd then turn around the economy again, plus have social lives return to new and improved relationships, possibly, than prior.  Distance and absence, as is said, makes the heart grow fonder.

As a hermit, I've benefitted from my attempt, from the many efforts in the past few days to help others to understand more about the virus plus to choose selflessness, sacrifice, humility, and even patriotism if not the moral high ground and Christian duty of faith, hope, and charity. Practice the virtues!  Explore for a short while what it can be like to exist a bit as a hermit or a "family of hermits."  Just STAY INSIDE.

But now I return to prayer as my efforts.  I've missed the single-mindedness of praise of God and praying for the salvation of the world.

Yesterday late afternoon I had personal sense of starting to truly improve from the horrible sickness of the past 17 days (as of today).  I'd done a couple tasks and wiped down more surfaces and items I have touched.  Am to do this daily but have not felt well enough to be out of bed to get all items and surfaces that I've touched, wiped with disinfectant.  I also have to get simple items from the refrigerator to bring back to bed to eat, get plenty of fluids to drink, and begin to wash clothes such as those I wore to ER on Monday, or some sheets washed to replace those on the bed and have been through the worst of being so ill.  

This morning, however, I awoke suffering more with the sickness.  I had a terrible coughing spate; my upper lungs were aching and burning more than yesterday.  I realized that I'd done a tad too much yesterday--and what I did in late afternoon as was too ill to get up in the morning was yet too much. I had overdone the little bit I did.  By afternoon today, I had energy to take a shower. Then after resting a couple more hours, I put the clean sheets on the bed and started a load of blanket and pillows.  Then more rest, and got up again for some asparagus spears broiled in countertop oven.  Dinner, with a few whole wheat crackers and dried cherries.  That was enough physical effort!

But I'm very encouraged! I heard two separate doctors speaking on news clips on my little window to the world: laptop.  They each mentioned that Azithromycin or commonly known as "z-pack" is what is being used to treat COVID-19 patients with lung issues!  They also said that if the person is severely ill with respiratory distress, they also have begun treating the patients with Azithromycin plus the drug Choroquine--the medication that has been used for malaria with success for years, but had only now been fast-tracked for approval to be given COVID patients by the USA's Food and Drug Administration. 

I then looked up Azithromycin use for sinus infections.  Lo and behold!  The "z-pack" is recommended as best antibiotic if Augmentin is not effective for patient or for some reason the patient has not responded to it.  That's this Catholic hermit!  Augmentin has not worked for me in the past; z-pack has helped regardless if sinus or lung issues--not that I've had an abundance of either affliction.  (I tended to be ill each winter of the 6 winters of my previous hermitage and location--environmental issues were challenging to health.

God has provided beautifully for me, yet again!  God provides for us all if we trust in Him and follow the deep, inner hunches when we are too ill or whatever the reason we cannot think with mind or function with body.  That has been my situation for the past 17 days; and I thank my angel and praise God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for the relentless certainty that I NEEDED a "z-pack."  From a week ago Tuesday when I became desperate enough to get up and drive to the Urgent Care to ask for a z-pack, to the next day when I drove myself even farther to the doctor's office to beg for a z-pack, and finally, not having been given a z-pack (Azithromycin), by this past Monday afternoon when the increasing upper lung aching, burning, and coughing (again), and then the sharp pains piercing across upper lungs, I knew I had to get to the emergency room and convince them that I truly need a z-pack!

I did not have to do any convincing.  By then, the ER team handling those with COVID-19 symptoms, evidently knew that z-pack for my sinuses and especially my lungs, plus an inhaler to help with the breathing that felt heavy and caused more lung pain, plus medication to suppress the increased dry coughing--all necessary to help me while waiting the 4-5 days for COVID test results.  God handled it all for me.  God knew why I felt so strongly that I needed a z-pack for whatever it is that ails me.  The z-pack has me now covered if some odd sinus infection (for I've never had sinus infection come upon me full force in one day, and I do not recall the added symptoms, such as dry cough); God has me covered if I do somehow have COVID-19.

Azithromycin is, amazingly, what is prescribed for both ailments--and that is extra impactful for no one in the world has previously to the past couple or three months ever dealt with COVID-19.  The medications being tried are just that:  being tried as experimental attempts to help people recover!

My joy is compounded by the reality that I am going to improve, and the contrast between how very sick I've been to how even this afternoon I felt well enough to shower and to put fresh sheets on the bed--well, I could describe the contrast as euphoric encouragement! May Jesus Christ be praised!
May the Holy Spirit be honored!  May God the Father be glorified!

Someone texted early evening:  had just read that COVID test results are now so backlogged that it can take up to 10 days now to hear from health personnel if one's test is negative or positive.  That is all right.  The Lord has provided reassurance by two doctors on national news video clips being interviewed; I have the antibiotic that is being used and most effective with COVID patients thus far if not so severe as to needing the more experimental Chloroquine added with Azithromycin.  The latter is the baseline and prevalent antibiotic being used for coronavirus patients with lung issues.  And online with first Google input, I learned that for those who do not benefit from Augmentin, Azithryomycin, or z-pack, is the best  and first choice in antibiotic otherwise.

God is letting me know for sure I've turned the corner, and while I must continue to rest in bed for most part, and wait patiently for however many days longer in strict quarantine, my mind is clearing from the blur of forgetful dream-like existence.  My bodily stamina is beginning to manage a couple of small tasks in afternoon.  The lungs are not worse even if not a great deal better.  

And if what I've been suffering is COVID-19, I intend to volunteer for the Choroquine medication if they need, for Dr. Deborah Birx of the Coronavirus Task Force has commented, as well as Dr. Hahn of the FDA, have each mentioned that doctors can now use Choroquine for COVID patients as they also want to study the interactions with patients to learn if this drug will be best and most effective, and not cause negative side effects, for COVID-19 sufferers.  Whatever God wills.  He is providing all physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!

God bless His Real presence in us!  God bless St. Joseph on his Feast Day!

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