Thursday, January 30, 2020

Catholic Hermit: "Traditional Hermit" as Designation?

Been praying about a designation for all the past and present and future hermits in the Catholic Church who are called to and choose to live the eremitic vocation in all aspects, including profession of the three evangelical counsels, having a Rule of Life, making an eremitic vow.

The CL603 hermits are known as "diocese hermits" or sometimes "CL603 hermits".  The hermits who have been of the centuries past who were not in ancient hermit Orders nor could not be considered in a "community of hermits" which would fall under the classification of a "new Institute", could be simply called "traditional hermits" or if another canon law must be created (I pray not necessary, as the historical, traditional hermit form of life is not new and is by virtue of the centuries of its vocational and lived life existence, not really needful of a new canon.

Another option would be "conventional hermits", but this is not nearly as accurately encompassing in description and definition as is "traditional hermits."  Traditional immediately brings to mind the reality of:  A tradition as a belief or behavior passed down within society or group with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past.  "Traditional" includes the aspect of existing in or as part of a tradition; and long-established.

"Orthodox hermits" is not a contender as a designation due to it being a designation for hermits in the Orthodox or Eastern Churches.

I'm interested in thoughts on this suggestion, "Traditional Hermit" as a name-designation for all the pertinent hermits of yore and those of our times, myself very much included, who are called to be a hermit of the historical, traditional (yes, tried and true due to the passage of centuries of this form of hermit life, as eremitic living the hermit vocation within the Catholic Church but very much in solitary form.

This is a positive discussion to broach with a priest or religious Order spiritual director, or those in holy orders who have become also hermits; and definitely is worth my seeking an appointment with the Bishop pertinent to the situation that I can only be but grateful to the other hermit who writes consistently on hermit life, a diocese, CL603 hermit.

Had it not been for that writer's insistence that privately professed Catholic hermits are of the "laity" (Pope JPII makes clear we are not part of the laity by reality of our professing the three evangelical counsels, our vows, rules of life, and way of living our vocations daily, some of us for years, and considering all the historical, traditional hermits of the past many centuries), I'd not have discovered that as far as not clearly being indicated that we privately professed, traditional hermits, this other writer, the diocese hermit, is correct!  I'm so grateful!

I also would not have begun research and studying what Popes have written about the Consecrated Life, and what other Church documents state regarding the Consecrated Life of the Church and specifics as to what still are some conflicting interpretations (in a couple documents) as to specifically which hermits are included.

Nor would I have discovered the truth, beauty, and goodness in what various saintly and holy authors, indisputably and universally accepted by the Church as being pontiffs themselves and others being saints, I would not have understood this sense of urgency in assuring that I and other privately professed traditional hermits have in the full spectrum of the graces and various facets inherent in being within the Consecrated Life, being in the Consecrated State, of the Catholic Church.

This one clarification or if need by, formal or even informal inclusion (by one's bishop to begin with and the universal Church if necessary, eventually) for us "traditional hermits" to be in actuality and by virtue of the Church, very much a part, indisputably being in, the Consecrated Life of the Church.  This is no doubt at the root of the negative nitpicking over the years by the diocese hermit regarding the privately professed hermits not seeming to have a "place" or a "legitimacy" compared to those "recognized by Church law" and "dependent upon a bishop"--thus a diocese hermit, per CL603.

I do believe the Holy Spirit has offered a godly, reasonable, and much-needed clarification and solution to the controversy and confusion.  This is the peace solution with this other writer and hermit, for which I've been praying for over 11 years.  Yes, the diocese hermit has brought up a valid point, given that a huge sector of hermits historically and presently have no designation that includes them specifically as being hermits included-- such as the "traditional hermits they were and are--in the Consecrated Life of the Catholic Church.  

I had (now I realize wrongly) considered that the problem was that the diocesan hermit writer resented my also writing with my point of view of which I can call now as "traditional hermit" form, as the reason for the contentious discrediting.  Rather, the diocese hermit writer is an appreciated catalyst for much needed clarification and a proper designation for a subset of hermit types and forms of eremitic life.

Praise God for the gift of peace!  God bless His Real Presence in us!   Thank you, Holy Trinity and Virgin Mary to whom I so fervently have prayed.  Thank you to my late spiritual Da who I asked his help in this matter, of which he has known all from the start.  Prayers being answered!   Solution at hand!  Well, sort of.  What the Holy Spirit inspires can take time for human minds to accept and implement--or choose not.

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