Sharing some thoughts after conversation with someone praying for the teen who is in ICU yet, fighting three strains of infectious bacteria and excruciating pain following second major open-chest and lung surgery in a week....

The person who telephoned had become frustrated, even angry, with there not being more and "greater" positive improvements, sooner. I reminded of Jesus' parable of the woman's not letting up in pestering the judge to decide in her favor. Plus, I reminded that there ARE positives--and the seemingly little ones are grand indeed; God views not as we view. Any progress is progress; any improvement a gift from God.
When we pray, we should do so without having our own set expectations. God answers in His way, what He decides, and when He wills. (He exists not in our sense of "time", anyway.) We are best off praying and praising God without our having "conditions." Thanking God ahead of time, praising Him no matter what is the current situation, and praying with perseverance (even in those times we all can have of temptation to discouragement) are the signs that we are growing in our understanding of and capability in praying.
Situations like Alayna's require praying for the long haul. If or when we get weary, thankfully there are others keeping up the prayer pace. But as antidote to frustration we can turn our thoughts to Alayna (or whomever in other life situations in which we pray) and how she has no time off from suffering and fighting the three strains of strep that are threatening her life.
After last evening's conversation, I could hear my late mom exclaim: BUCK UP! That is the concise remedy for the above. Since the person was her sister, I asked my mother to help with how I am to deal with "M". She has become difficult, and I am the one charged with updating twice a day. Her own daughter is too easily triggered by her mother's (my aunt) idiosyncrasies and is round-the-clock at hospital where teen remains in ICU.
For me, yesterday-rather than being able to pray at least consciously for the young girl and many other intentions I am given--my mind was on my aunt's imperious and peevish behavior when I'd called her to update. Then I realized the Lord probably had me praying for whom He wanted me to focus prayers, and that was my aunt. However, in today's Gospel, we are reminded that there is no place for darkness in Christ's Light. Truth is in the Light; evil in darkness.
In this morning's update, the aunt--while yet being impatient and imperious toward me--seemed returned to praying more positively. Praise God! I ask Him to give me meekness when I next must update her on teen's condition. I am putting on the armor of God and in essence "bucking up," as well. A distracting, negative side-drama certainly is not needed. Stay in Christ's Light! Remain in His Love!🙂
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