Monday, September 14, 2020

Catholic Mystic, Hermit, Victim Soul: Comments and Replies to Comments

 I have tried in various ways to be able to change my settings in this new blogger format, to be able to reply to your comments.  So I will respond by posting a comment myself.  If you leave a comment, please check back to the post to which you left the comment, as likely I will have responded underneath your comment.

I so appreciate the positive, supportive, and encouraging comments. I also appreciate comments that are critical; these help me to ponder what I've written and to explain further or simply accept that I have not been helpful in what I've shared.  

This is quite a strange and arduous phase and unexpected shift in my life temporally and spiritually.  I never would have thought the Scriptures I've pondered in the previous blog post could be so real and actual or in what are deeper meanings that go beyond my erstwhile limited view of what was expected in the temporal life including the temporal and temporal-spiritual expectations and protocols.

God bless His Real Presence in us!


Joan Munson said...

Hi, God Bless You. This is the first time I have been able to communicate with you, tho I have been reading your blogs when I could get them for a few (?) years now. I have come to know who you are (Maybe ?) and pray for you and your pain and sickness every time I read.

The Catholic Hermit said...

Hi, dear Joan,
Thank you so much for your comment and the PRAYERS! I so appreciate and need them. Currently having a terrible spinal headache today which of course leaves me incapacitated and prone to distracting--wrote a terribly long email to someone who kindly emailed but misunderstands my pulling out of a parish for now. So I explained further, and quite further! Mercy! But yesterday I was able to mow the front small yard, and the day before 3/4 of the smallish back yard. Mowing seems to be one thing to build the legs while hanging onto the handle of a mower that is lightweight--and the next day I do not have a pain siege! But last evening I may have pushed it a bit being up; or, of course, the Lord may simply be utilizing the increased pain today to have the pain praying all the more for known and unknown needs. So I'm praying for you since you have sent the comment, and have been on my mind now! Thank you! Yes, you probably do know me fairly well--and I like to be raw and transparent, the good, the bad, the ugly, as is said. I'm writing out this existence as a case study offering for people to know even what NOT to do! But I also pray it gives a realistic glimpse of how it can be if born with a certain "affliction," especially so since I have learned that particularly we Catholics confuse mystics with saints, and thus I realize don't react well to mystics if they pop up now and then, here or there. My demise as far as parishes took full form when a mystical experience was one more noticed. Prior, I could better live a double life, or at least had the energy to do that better. I don't now, and somehow I think it best to be myself and "own" it, for better or worse. But the Lord has given such increased pain that I'm out of circulation, anyway! ha ha--God knows what He is doing! I am a handful, for sure. Stubborn and self-pitying, but sincere and loving. So with that, I assure you of my prayers and a kinship now, with you and whatever are your needs and aspirations, your sufferings and all of life here and future. We will hopefully meet on the other side sometimes! Or in a dream or something! We never know, do we, and that really is part of the joy if I can but only remember that--the good of the unknowing and the naked trust needed to endure this life. God bless His Real Presence in us!