Saturday, September 1, 2018

Catholic Hermit: Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?

The question Peter asked of Jesus and then answered, himself, is exactly what we may ask ourselves at all times, especially at this time in the life of the Church today.

"Lord, to Whom shall we go?"

We go to Jesus Christ!  He has the Words of Eternal Life.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

As a consecrated Catholic hermit, privately professed and of the traditional hermit vocation--timeless and ageless in calling, function, and purpose--turning to and going to Christ Our Savior is always the correct choice.  He will never fail to guide us no matter what.

I ponder the wisdom of St. Peter at this personal time of transition, of one phase concluding and another beginning.  It is the type of metamorphosis of which we all are familiar, repeatedly in our lives and especially in our spiritual life that dovetails with our temporal life.  I consider some bishops I have known, and over time revelations of events in their lives and dealings have come forth--that which is not so positive of human beings whose guidance or supervision would be in the least or most--wise or prudent.

However, to have Jesus Christ to guide us in all aspects of our comings and goings, our breathing and thinking, feeling and loving--we can never find a more perfect One.

As a consecrated Catholic hermit I am reminded of this truth all the more when I encounter those who place themselves in even the most basic, temporal aspects and decisions of their lives, in obeisance to those among us who hope and strive, especially if ordained, to act in Christ's stead.

A wise, prudent, humble, holy spiritual guide who also is a priest (or has been raised to the bishop's chair) is a rare and treasured gift, but if wise, prudent, humble, and holy will not presume to dictate or make provisions in and for one's daily and life decisions and situations.  This is not at all the way of Christ nor of His teachings, nor of the way of the hermit calling and vocation from the earliest times--even of those old Testament hermit-prophets.

Always, as Jesus Himself advised, we are to follow Him, remain in His Love, seek Him in all matters.  In spirit and truth, Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.  Abide in Him.

It is a beautiful gift from the Lord when we do find that rare and holy one--a priest of the church, a holy, saintly one subsumed into Christ, to walk with us and listen, speak, share, to pray and discern with us along our days and hours as we traverse this temporal world.  But a wise and humble and holy, earthly guide will always point us and defer--as Mary does: to Jesus Christ.

We must beware anyone who advises or assumes otherwise, even in the revered position of a temporally famous bishop or cardinal.  As St. Patrick's breastplate prayer mentions:  Christ before us, above us, under us, behind us.  Christ all around us.  As Scripture makes clear:  Christ is the alpha and omega.

Lord, to Whom shall we go?

Always and ever, Jesus Christ!

His answers may not seem to come immediately, but His answers come, they unfold in our earthly time.  Jesus Christ guides us always and perfectly even if we do not grasp the why of His will.

Trust in the Lord, both now and forever.

I love what St. Paul writes to the Christians in Corinth:

" you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy,
with all those everywhere who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours.
....I give thanks to my God always on your account
for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus,
that in Him you were enriched in every way,
with all discourse and all knowledge,
as the testimony to Christ was confirmed among you,
so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift
as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He will keep you firm to the end,
irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful,
and by Him you were called to fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."

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