Monday, July 14, 2008

Phantom Sideways Cross Pain

When a limb is amputated, there is such a phenomenon as phantom pain. The person continues to experience the sensations (and pain) of that limb, even if it is not there.

Nothing Catholic hermit experiences Phantom Sideways Cross Pain. This last sideways cross (talking of people) was evidently a major limb in nothing's existence. There is much pain in recognizing that fact and in experiencing life as it is after that sideways cross is removed, hacked, burned.

Adaptation required! Confession again (and maybe again) for various facets of having spent so much of God's gift of time in talking of people. Painful shame in the persons, incidents and after-sensations of the talking-of-people infractions.

The devil is not happy with nothing's change. Had a little visit last night, and thanks-be-to-God the soul was able to get up and speak praises of God, bits of Psalms, exclamations of loyalty to the Rock, the Savior, the Redeemer. The body was paralyzed--not so the soul.

Perhaps this paralyzed body with the soul rising up out of it, is a bit as how the sideways cross had locked the habit of talk of people. Finally, the soul, in finding the stairway to heaven, rose up and confronted. For in Whom does the soul nest? There is no room for talk of people in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

What would our world be without talk of people? The diocese newspapers would be a couple or three pages instead of 16 or so. Talk shows and the incessant news programs would be off the air. Magazine racks in grocery stores would be nearly empty (except for home and garden project ones). Computer pop-ups would pop off. (Yea!) People would have loads of extra time, to do what? Cell phone contracts could be minimized to fractional minute plans. Web sites and blogs about people (amazing how people develop their own web pages about themselves and their families) would eliminate the people-talk and people-promoting. Novels and non-fiction books (yes, about people!) would be no more. Movies, television, radio, internet--all forms of mass media--would be all about ideas or things.

We might discuss how the wood of the trees shout for joy! That was read in the Morning Office prior to Mass. The Psalms are a good example of talking about other than people. Yes, enemies and friends are mentioned, but in vague reference to support the point which is beseeching the Lord, praising the Lord, adoring the Lord, proclaiming the Lord.

The Gospel is that of how there will be division among families when one follows Christ. The priest explained this type of division. It is not the kind of division that is forced and caused by the Christian overtly. It is a division that results when the Christian lives the Christian life, and other family members (people as family of our world) do not live the Christian life, or to the degree or extent. Thus, there is a division created as an effect, a result.

And that relates to the pain of phantom sideways cross pain. Nothing realizes that the few others already touched by nothing's cessation of talk of people, have reacted. There is a kind of division. Also, there was a division when the behemoth sideways cross slammed down, crushing and splintering others with its sinful aspects. That, too, has caused division, for the relationships will never be the same again. Not the same.

When a leg is amputated, life is not the same, even if the phantom pain or sensations persist. Eventually the phantom pain subsides, and there is a kind of new way of being, and the space created by the loss is filled.

Now, what will fill it? Nothing must fill the space opened up by so much time in word and thoughts, with the Word. The Word comes in various formats by infiltrating holy souls, the saints, and the angels, and Scripture, and Mass, and all the glory of God. The Most Blessed Trinity in all Its three-in-oneness permeates as Word; and the Second Person, as Word made flesh, promises division but a division which creates holy space to be filled with God.

Adapting to the division between those who talk of people and those who have amputated that sideways cross from their lives, can take some time. Or not so much. It is a process of tying up some loose tongue ends, and then of getting over the shock of the loss--even though the loss was of something diseased and harmful to the body and soul.

Wonder if these roses (photographed in Our Lady of Fatima Memorial Rose Garden of Agnus Dei Hermitage) experience phantom petal pain when blooms fade and drop, and then when nothing comes along and dead-heads? Probably not. They are busy preparing for new buds and putting the nutrients to that growth.

Well, Lord, nothing is going to press forward. Will do its daily tasks and add the Word more and more to replace the people talk space--for there are now few if any people who will want to talk Word and nothing but the Word with nothing. That is all right. Go in faith and accept the peace of division--a kind of division that brings the hermit soul into union.

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