Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ask Beth....

In asking the canon lawyer and another priest this morning, after Mass, a question about finding the stairway to heaven, the canon lawyer told nothing to ask its angel to explain more about the stairway to heaven--and specifically to ask if the nothing has already been on that stairway.

These priests discussed the topic at some length, pointing out various thoughts on the stairway to heaven, if there is a point at which a person finds it (such as Jacob, St. Paul...) or if most are already on the stairway to heaven in their daily struggles as they continue trying to focus on God.

The idea was brought forth that, of course, there is no tangible "place", but one might commemorate the spot, as Jacob did. As to the nothing's having already been on the staircase to heaven, nothing pointed out that it has been on stairs, but more likely that of basements and other stairs of the spiritual strivings--but not the stairs to heaven. But it will ask Beth. There may be an answer already, but nothing prefers to wait and discuss it with its angel a bit more, and with Jesus--and Mary--while it plants in the Mary Gardens of Agnus Dei.

The one priest did mention that Mary is on the stairway to heaven--she is there, yes!

Mentioning the sideways crosses was sort of comprehended, but the reminder was given that we will always have struggles--we will not be free of them. This is so, but the freedom to follow Christ if of a different nature. To be free to follow Christ does require the staircase of heaven, of finding it, at least (but maybe not at a conscious level). The freedom is not freedom from suffering, but freedom from suffering sideways crosses--and the freedom to suffer holy crosses, and embrace and love them.

So, this was brought out somewhat, and the canon lawyer priest said that we cannot just disregard other people who have the other kinds of crosses, the ones that God allows but that people have taken on, created, developed from their sins and some even out of sheer evil.

No, that is not what nothing intended to suggest. But one who is free from the sideways crosses of self and others must not pick up those crosses. Yet, one can pray for the persons who are trying to crucify themselves (or others) on them. One can try to point out to these persons that the crosses they are lugging about and trying to suffer on, are not worthwhile crosses--are dysfunctional and even silly when one looks at them in this light.

So much of the stairway to heaven is that of being free to follow Christ in a manner of seeing from the perspective of this stairway, which, in a tidbit of Beth's answer already, is an actual "place." It is the juncture point of the worlds temporal and supernatural. The freedom when one finds the stairway to heaven, is a freedom within the view, in light, in seeing yet more clearly.

One still has to climb the stairs! That takes on-going effort.

So the canon lawyer asked at one point, "Don't you think you will have more in future, more awarenesses--and wouldn't that be another stairway to heaven?"

Finding the stairway to heaven only comes once. It is that interior finding of that which frees the soul and the mind, the heart--and even the body as they are all connected in this form, now--to follow Christ. This following is not that of being free of temporal goods or relationships, but of being free from that which hinders and clings and binds from fully following Christ. Sideways crosses trip up souls and minds and hearts and bodies.

Finding the stairway to heaven is yet a process, for we may have been inately searching for it a long time, with little turns and glimpses and hopes along the way. Once we do find it, either in a consciously aware moment or not, there is true freedom to follow Christ (and to let the dead bury their dead-- making kindling out of our sideways crosses and burning them). Then, the soul begins in freedom from all that, and can see from the stairway to heaven, even if on the first step. That view, that seeing, contains clarity of charity.

Anyway, nothing has asked Beth and told the canon lawyer priest it will report back with the answer. Beth always answers in one way or another for what God allows to be answered. Thus far, it is the assurance that the stairway to heaven is a "place" but not that which we earthlings might consider a place, for it is not tangible--even if Jacob piled stones at the spot he saw the staircase and angels ascending and descending.

The rose photographed, nothing thinks, is one called "Heaven on Earth." It is getting ready to bloom again. Today nothing must spray all the roses with fungicide and fertilizer. That's sort of like ridding out residual affects of sideways crosses and strengthening the growth for stepping on the stairway to heaven. Finding it is one thing; stepping is another.


Anonymous said...

Wow - it amazes me how God uses other people to help one work through their own messes! Remember that relationship I mentioned? I think it was a sideways cross of my own, because it was one where I revered and respected and loved the person so much and always fought for his approval. But just this morning I found out he criticized some work that I did, which is fine, but he did it behind my back and not to me. So after feeling very hurt and betrayed, I read your posts and the thought came to me that no matter how intelligent, learned and respected this man is, he too is still human and does stupid human things. And that by this action of his I was somewhat freed from my own "sideways cross" of seeking his approval constantly, and now I am freer to follow Christ on my own, without his "inteference". Wow! Do you see how God works through you, even if it is only in one or two souls, it is still so beautiful. Thank you so much for your insights and prayers. Praying back for you. Blessings...

The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Brenda,

You get it! You see it! I have been practically going without oxygen trying to explain this to some people. This morning I went to confession to confess all my sideways crosses--at least the ones shown me thus far. Caring about how others reacted to what I might say, for example--when I am to simply deliver the message, regardless of their reactions. Also, the tendency to take on these sorry, silly crosses--instead of having the mind of the Spiritual Surgeon who loves deeply yet goes in to surgery in a well LIT operating room, and gets the job done. My confessor started to see it, also. There is more to write about the stairway to heaven. We must all pray to find it, if we have not already. It is for everyone. I gave the answer to the other priest this morning, and he got excited. He wants me to write it out for him, and he says it is for everyone. Well, not everyone can see it, but those who can will find it very helpful as I have. All takes on an entirely different perspective, and much hope!

When the confessor gave some counsel and penance, regarding my sideways crosses and what to do with them, I (for shame!) interrupted him and said, "Father, I'm going to chop them up as kindly and BURN them!"

So THANKFUL you are more free to freely follow Christ now. Hope you can laugh, also, as I laugh sometimes seeing how ridiculous is the image of my trying to hang myself on a cross that is sideways--or see other people trying to do it to themselves. This goes, also, for the (usually women) who had to be so important and did the altar rush so they could be first to help at Communion. Silly sideways crosses of our need to be needed and seen! So sideways crosses can be of all types; they splinter in goofy ways, too.