Sunday, June 1, 2008

On Writing and Other Divine Follies

The privately professed and consecrated eremitic has numerous choices within the framework God allows, in this path of Catholic consecrated life.

Again, the nothing considers some externals. For example, in being hidden rather than known as a hermit in any outer manifestation, there are additional responsibilities which do take time and effort. The nothing must keep loving order in the closet and dresser drawer, and take a bit of care in arranging the apparel so that it is not the same every day, as that draws attention. It must be kept clean and pressed, and not overly worn or tattered, as that also draws attention. It must be modest, obviously--but not too of anything. Not too colorful, not too dull, not too youthful, not too oldish, not too avant garde, not too dated.

So, this takes a chunk of time which has to fall under "manual labor." And, effort and focus are expended in setting prayerful motives and intentions prior, during, and with the satisfaction of having a closet put in loving order. Omnia pro Deo! Hanging neatly some trousers, checking for any spots to be dabbed clean, must be offered as a prayer for the world or for whatever intention! If in pain while working, the suffering is offered to Jesus for His reparation work.

The privately professed hidden hermit also must make decisions regarding abode. Here, the nothing perhaps overstepped the energy level a bit. However, that provides more suffering to offer Jesus, for souls. To live in a hermitage that is obvious to others as not the typical, again would draw attention. However, the nothing has a yard that is noticeably landscaped--in the back. From the front, it appears very nicely appointed, but nothing too unusual. But the work! Oh my, the work! It is glorious enforcement to get the nothing outside, breathing fresh air, stretching and kneeling and digging hands into the earth--all very good for the body and soul, particularly a body with tremendous spine issues.

It also can cause some anxiety if unchecked, for on days beautiful and beckoning, but in which the energy and pain precludes much outdoor work, the thoughts can veer to overwhelmed. Why didn't the nothing rent an apartment? Well, when it rented for a couple of years, it did not have the enforced exercise of gardening, nor the creative outlet so good for the soul. It's motto could not be fully realized, in these circumstances; there is a certain worshipful attitude when one is given by God inclinations to create gardens or paint or do other joys in the functional arts. A small house can offer multitudinous options in manual labor.

But, there still must be boundaries, or the manual labor exceeds the spiritual reading, or the conversation with the Lord that is just He and the hermit, alone, doing nothing but being with each other, each one listening to the love shared and on occasion, speaking without utterance.

Certainly, the nothing Catholic hermit could have made choices less involved than Agnus Dei has turned out. But, the Lord does allow for the personalities, temperaments, and talents He has instilled in each solitary's soul, body, mind and heart. He instilled an added dash of flare for the artistic and creative in this hermit, a love of nature and writing, of color and elements, of haute Catholique.

The nothing is sort of a folly in itself; and a charge given it is to strive toward the Divine. Being a folly is not good unless it is a Divine folly.

As for writing, it is the Lord's will that the nothing write, write, write. But blog writing is still a question. Prior to the nothing's being aware that blogs actually are read on the internet, the writing was more free and expressive of the heights and depths of the soul. But a year ago that freedom had a cost involved. Then, certain experiences could not be written, and those experiences are helpful to be written, helpful for the nothing's soul and progression. Also, the anonymity is maintained, and little shared about certain matters, which leave a writer up for questions that are not answered. Others can question certain aspects, for most people tend to need to see the exterior of a person in order to be satisfied. Also, suffering is not comprehended, and how physical pain can affect. Or how mystical aspects can affect. Then, when one does not list out credentials or degrees, even more criticizing can come from those trying to peer into the curtained windows of what to them seems perhaps a very strange house.

In discussing blog writing with the adult children, the one who is distinguished as one of 40 in the nation in a particular expertise in computer technology, commented that blog writing can be reputable depending upon the writer and also on the topic. In technology or most blog categories, this adult child said that over time, most readers can find what suits their needs in content, and also can weed out that which is not helpful or well written.

The adult child who is a professional journalist in the nation's capitol, and who has been on major news programs and radio, had this to share about blog writing. Blogs are intended as means to share information, and at that are excellent means due to the internet's ability to reach so many, instantaneously. Yes, there is so much information being shared, that it runs the gamut from equivalent to the National Enquirer type of writing to that of high literary standards--and in all topics and categories. But, as in the consumer world: Buyer Beware!

Another adult child trained in military intelligence work, when asked, agrees that blogs are the current new literary genre, and a tremendous means of communication. People write such intimate details as pregnancy tests with photos, to those who write about technicalities of rare diseases, computer languages, scarce flora and fauna, political theories, to those who write about, well, filth! This adult child suggests writing without considering who might be reacting, criticizing, or praising. But, added, also: Writing blogs is very time consuming.

The nothing Catholic hermit does not generally re-read its own blogs. It is a stream of water that has already passed, the current taking the words downstream--out and away. That is part of the cathartic benefit. It is especially helpful in pain, for the nothing can recline, laptop at hand, and shift those logs that jammed upstream. Then the waters flow freely, and after, the nothing is somewhat refreshed from the rest of the spine as well as emptying out some thoughts which came during manual labor or editing or reading or praying.

As far as benefit to others, the nothing Catholic hermit finds it most likely does not benefit others much, if any. Others who are called by God to the eremitic life, will find what to read, study, and pray about. They will make the necessary steps at the proper moments, make the necessary errors and learn how to correct, and make the choices offered by God, for the unique nuances of their individual hermit lives. As for reading, the nothing reads primary source material of the dead saints, hermits, mystics, victim souls and Scripture. As for reading blogs? No, no time to do so. Can't recommend anyone reading the nothing's, either! God suffers them.

And the judgmental aspect of blog writing? Well, since it is indeed possible that others read what one writes, certain aspects cannot be shared if the hermit has chosen anonymity, not to allow much of a glimpse in temporal, exterior view, or is obedient to not share certain experiences. That opens up the critic's' jaundice. Then nothing recalls, in previous times when people misunderstood the nothing, the spiritual da asking, "Who is your judge?" And the nothing responded, "Jesus is my judge!" The Da snapped back in elevated tone: "That's right! And don't EVER forget it!"

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